32 | where we are now

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"And the syllabus for the first quarter is till here?"

Lucy points to her textbook and shows me a particular page. I nod slowly, my mind concentrated on other matters as we step out of Psychology class. Today, Mr. Griffin talked about memory systems which ended our syllabus for the first quarter. I was only half attentive because I was still going over and over Mr. Thomas's words even though it has been two days since our talk at the hospital.

"You're a lifesaver, Sommers!" Lucy exclaims as she gives me a side hug which I respond to with a fake smile.

Thoughts of Panther being out there with an intention to kill Carter has me on edge since the man has still not been caught. I search for Carter in the crowd of students loitering around the corridor. My gaze lands on Stephen instead. He is at the lockers. I haven't talked to him in almost two weeks except for his occasional texts and I am glad to have finally spotted him

I excuse myself from Lucy and rush towards him, afraid that he will run away if I don't catch him in time. He has been avoiding me like a plague.

"Hey!" I say, blocking his way when he is about to walk off.

He is wearing a red shirt today with white trousers. He has a white cap on and looks very colorful for any other guy at Woodstone. He must be feeling very jolly to have changed his appearance. He looks cool though.

"Hey, Sommers."

He smiles but I hear the reluctance in his voice. I put my hands on my hips, throwing him a frown.

"You have been ignoring me? Did I do something?"

"No, no, you didn't," he says with a nervous chuckle. "I have been pretty stressed lately. How about we head to the canteen? We can talk there."

He cues me with a hand on my arm towards the direction of the canteen and follows me.

"Basketball stress?" I ask as we enter the canteen, grab two cups of coffee from the coffee maker and take our usual place at an empty table.

"More like sexuality problems?" Stephen rolls his eyes as he puts his bag on the floor and takes a sip of his coffee. "My sex life has been pretty dry in this bloody school."

"Interesting..." I comment. "Care to explain?"

Stephen bites his bottom lip and I don't miss the flush of red on his cheeks. "There's this boy in the team who is a little...distracting?"

I give him an impressive smile. "Do we have a name?"

"Not yet. He kind of hates me and the walls in this place seem to have ears," he grumbles, looking around the canteen before his eyes move back to me. "I heard about your Mom. Is she okay now?"

He looks concerned but the question brings back the sight of Mom lying in the ICU in my mind which makes my head hurt.

"She is out of danger but the doctors are keeping her on sedative because the pain is still there and I haven't been able to talk to her because of that," I say, finishing my coffee and placing the empty cup on the table. I put my elbows on the table and clasp my hands under my chin. "I'm happy that she is conscious at least."

"What about your step-dad?" he asks and I give him a wide-eyed look.

"Don't call him that. It makes me wanna puke," I say. "His name is Panther...or Satan himself, whichever you feel suits the most."

"Right, sorry. What about Satan? Any news on his whereabouts?"

"None yet. He has managed to hide from the cops," I sigh, clutching my head between my hands. "I hate my life, Steph. I wish I could be a kid without adult problems following me around."

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