06 | roommates

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I blink twice, not comprehending the declaration that just left Carter's mouth. When it slowly starts to dawn on me that he has just referred to me as his girlfriend, I flinch. His grip on my hand tightens, his long fingers filling the gaps between mine, sending goosebumps through my entire body.

Girlfriend? He just called me his girlfriend. As in two horny people in a relationship? How insulting!

I drag my hand, trying to pull away from his grip but his hold gets firmer. His Dad looks at us with the same perplexed expression which I believe I have too. Then slowly, a smile finds its way to Mr. Bell's lips.

"I knew you had one. Nice to meet you, Amaya."

His direct stare and acknowledgment of my presence make me feel more self-conscious. I turn my gaze to the floor, my fingers itching to tangle themselves together in that moment of nervousness.

"Amaya will be staying with us for some days. There's construction work going on at her house. She can't study."

I force myself to look at Carter as he lies again to his Dad. He appears calm but I can feel his pulse beat against my wrist and it is getting faster with each minute. My own heart rate is frantic, the sudden turn of events too much to handle for a short span of time.

"That's wonderful," the lady says with a clap of her hands.

She sounds too excited and I don't like the smile she has on her face. She is too happy for a lie.

"I'm taking her to my room. I have to go to Uncle Felix's again," Carter says, pulling me by my hand as he proceeds towards another white door beside the sofa which I didn't notice before.

My legs follow him unwillingly as I notice his Dad's narrowed eyes watching us walk away. He nods at me when we pass him and I tear my eyes off him.

Carter opens the door to a small space which is followed by another door. I take a look at the small corridor that separates Carter's room from the sitting room. It has a bathroom on one end and a washing machine stands in another corner. This is the only free space I have seen in the house so far. It has a rather peculiar design that somehow suits Carter's personality.

Carter opens the other door to his room and pulls me in with him. I enter after him while the door shuts behind us.

Carter's room is painted in a dull grey, the color appears to be peeling off leaving patches of white in some places. His room is small and is occupied by a small bed placed in the middle and a couch placed by a window. The couch is torn at both ends but looks good enough to provide for an extra sitting place. A black wardrobe occupies the other side. It is the only nice-looking furniture in the room.

I study his private space, fascinated by the way it is kept neat and clean even with the lack of furniture. His books are neatly stacked on one corner of the floor. He doesn't even have a desk. I cannot imagine ever living without a desk. Carter's den is so different from mine.

My observation is broken when Carter pushes past me to walk toward his wardrobe. I am pulled back to reality in one moment and find my ability to speak back. He drops his bag beside the bed along with his jacket.

"Why did you lie?" I ask.

He ignores my question as he opens his wardrobe and pulls out a black T-shirt.

"Carter! Why did you lie?" I repeat, annoyed by his avoidance.

He turns around with the T-shirt and another jacket in one hand and a pair of jeans in the other. He drops the clothing on his bed and I watch him as he starts to pull the hem of his T-shirt up, revealing a taut, tanned back as the wet material comes off. I am tongue-tied for a moment. The room feels hotter, more intimate and I want to escape. He turns around, his toned body clearly defining that he works out a lot. His chest rises and falls in a gentle rhythm as I take in his half-naked appearance.

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