01 | keep it simple.

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"So I'm... special?"

"You're more than special, my dear."

"I didn't know someone could be more than special!"

"Haha, I'm sure a lot of people think that." 

"Why am I so special? Is it because my hair is the same as yours?"

"It's much, much more than that."


"My sweet daughter. You're just like me."


A fist came slamming down onto a cream colored bedside table, effectively shutting up the blaring noise that filled the room obnoxiously. A lazy hand slowly retracted itself from the now broken bedside table, white lashes fluttering open to reveal ethereal blue eyes. A small curse came from under your breath, sitting up slowly and rubbing your aching head. The dream you had stayed fresh in your mind, your lips forming into a pout as you grumbled under your breath.

'What an asshole.'

With that you gave a large stretch, similar to how a cat would as you effectively got all of the knots out of your joints with satisfying 'pop's. A small yip grabbed your attention as you looked over your bed to see a small pomeranian looking up at you happily, his fluffy tail swishing behind him cheerily as he let out another bark and trotted out the door.

You could only smile fondly at your precious Kedama, shuffling to the bathroom to brush your teeth and fix the bird's nest on your head. After freshening up you put on your preferred clothes of choice as well as whipping your hair up into its daily style, and walked out of your room to feed the already waiting Kedama. You chuckled and filled his bowl up with the healthiest dog food you could find before fixing yourself up something to eat. You took out your phone and glanced at the date.


After having your fill you grabbed your bag, gently lifting Kedama into it before hoisting it over your shoulder and giving one last look to your apartment. You grabbed the blindfold left on the coat hanger next to the door, tying it around your eyes gently. You gave yourself a nod of assurance and went out the door, locking it behind you as you made your way down to the lobby of your apartment complex.

"Good morning!" Your neighbor waved as you made your way through the lobby, spotting his little sister behind him giving you a small wave as well.

"Good morning." You waved back politely, making your way out onto the sidewalk.

You trotted along the sidewalk in glee, quietly talking to your Pomeranian as he eagerly yipped back at your comments as if he could understand you. Many who walked past you two gave you strange looks, to which you ignored and eagerly continued your obviously one sided conversation with Kedama.

"Objectives for today. 1. Get you a haircut. 2. Get you more treats and food. 3. Look for a doggie sweater at the mall. 4. Kill time until it's time for work. Got that?" Kedama eagerly barked from his place in your bag, his tail swishing back and forth behind him with vigor. You laughed and reached back to pat his head, his small head leaning up to meet your touch.

The two of you successfully made it to the mall, heading straight for the animal hair dresser so that Kedama could finally get his hair trimmed and styled. It wasn't that he looked bad, he just looked like a cloud. A small, fluffy, untamed, cloud. While you waited for Kedama you decided to stop by the food court for a treat, grabbing yourself an ice cream (or if you're allergic to milk, anything you want) cone before wandering the mall. You were pretty well acquainted with the staff at the hairdresser, so you trusted them enough to take care of Kedama while you went wandering.

they tell me im a god. ♪ BNHA x Reader ♪Where stories live. Discover now