25 | i'll give them stories to tell friends about the things i said.

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(A/N: warning! long ass chapter)

Waking up the next day proved to be quite the challenge.

You awoke to Kedama pawing at your face, your hand instinctively reaching to grab your phone. Checking the time, you slowly sat up, noticing that some of the other girls in the room had already woken up. You yawned as the bright display of your phone screen burned into your eyes, the time at the top displaying in bold font 5AM.

You greeted the other girls as you took Kedama into your arms, snuggling your face into his soft fur before setting him on the ground. You changed into your gym uniform, making your way outside with the other girls with Kedama trotting behind you.

Everyone was understandably still half asleep, hell even you were feeling quite groggy.

"Today we begin a rigorous round of reinforcement training. This trip's mission statement is to strengthen everyone's quirks as a whole, thereby allowing everyone to achieve their temporary licenses. This is a preparation to stand against and up to live action hostility and aggression from your enemy. Prepare your hearts and minds." Aizawa spoke, standing in front of the group of tired teenagers.

"With that said, Bakugou, try throwing this." Aizawa tossed a baseball in the spiky blonde's direction, the boy catching it with ease. He began to explain how this would measure just how much they have improved, Bakugou shouting out a loud "DIE!!!" as he shot the ball into the air with a large explosion.

"709.6 meters."

You snorted, bringing a hand up to cover your laugh at the boy's utter disappointment. Even you expected it to be a little higher than last time, but it seemed as though that wasn't the case.

"Starting today, we will focus on upgrading your quirks. I will be pushing you beyond your limits, so try not to kick the bucket."

'Can't upgrade a quirk when you don't have one.'

You sighed as everyone was distributed to their own individual training sections, some being paired together while others were to train alone. Aizawa approached you, a neutral expression on his face. You looked back up at him through blindfolded eyes, Kedama standing at your feet loyally.

"You will be training with me. Your quirk centers around sensory deprivation, correct?" You nodded in response, feeling Kedama nudge his head against your ankle. You reached down to pick him up, holding the small pup in your arms carefully.

"Yeah, so what are we gonna do? You're gonna make me wear sound cancelling headphones and throw rocks at me?" You joked, smiling up at Aizawa cheekily.

"Close, but not quite." Aizawa gestured towards a path that went inside the forest, guiding you to a semi-open patch of land within it. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small case and a pitch black blindfold.

"These are earbuds made specifically for you, they cancel out any and all sorts of noise. This blindfold was also specially made, the fibers in it sewed individually so that they're as tight knit as possible." He placed the case and blindfold in your hands, eyes glancing towards Kedama who was making himself comfortable under a nearby tree.

You opened the small case, revealing a sleek pair of black earbuds within its confines. You slipped them into your ears, a bit surprised to find that they did somewhat as Aizawa had stated. Even though they were said to cancel out everything you could still hear, although everything was slightly muffled. Any normal person wouldn't be able to hear anything, but you could still hear fairly well. You slipped off your blindfold, handing it to Aizawa in exchange for putting on the new one. It was slightly harder to see in, but with your keen vision you could ascertain everything beyond the cloth just fine.

they tell me im a god. ♪ BNHA x Reader ♪Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon