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hi guys

so this is really weird lol. i think i owe a bit of an explanation for all this? if u guys even remember this story at all lol it has been like 3 years.

so i published this story when i was like 16 years old. i honestly had just gotten into the fandom and really wanted to just make a cool character that was super strong and was kind of complex. (it ended up being a mary sue) i understand now that im older that lots of the things that i wrote and like, said and did weren't right

and i know this is out of nowhere but honestly and genuinely i just fell out of interest with bnha and just stopped. and a lot of the comments pointed out lots of discrepancies and things that just weren't right.

i dont know if ill ever come back to this story, or continue it. honestly the bnha manga has just gotten so crazy that i havent caught up. i had somewhat of a plan for this story to end but with the manga and the war arc and shit i honestly don't know how i would follow along.

because honestly, 16 year old me just wanted to make a cool, overpowered character that would (hopefully) attract the attention of others who also liked the idea of a character with gojo-esque abilities. (while also blatantly ripping off other characters like killua, dazai, etc. that also is super cringe.)

in all honesty it was an oc fic that could be read as a reader insert. but reading the story back and skimming through it, a lot of things are just blatantly not right and dont make sense.

ill probably be going back and editing things. especially the character sheet. but please do not expect this story to continue in any way. im 19 years old now, and i dont really have any interest in continuing a story that i wrote when i was 16 that centered around a 16 year old character as the primary love interest (that being shouto.) reading the story back now, i really did love his character back then. but now it just feels weird.

it just feels weird to me now, honestly. the downsides of not having the characters aging with you, am i right?

either way, if you see any updates from this story, it is most likely me just idly going back and fixing whatever naive 16 year old me wrote up or did. im apologize for that.

if i do continue this story, then welp. ill try to do better.

thanks for reading, and see u guys later.

(note: i am going to keep the story up for you guys to reread. if any of you would like to do that. thank you.)

they tell me im a god. ♪ BNHA x Reader ♪Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz