28 | they let me lie to them and don't feel like they've been misled.

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(A/N: warning gore ahead ! i'd also like to thank you all for 100k reads on this book! it's been a rollercoaster!!)

Luck did not seem to be on your side recently.

It was ironic, really. The position you were in right now.

Held up in the arms of one of your closest friends, someone you possibly could have considered something more had it not been for your wretched family.

You briefly wondered if this was how Kedama felt, eyelids slowly falling closed as your body gave out under itself. Your knees felt weak, unable to find the strength to hold yourself up any longer.

The blade in your neck was slowly pulled out, your hearing becoming muffled as the pain in your neck had begun to come forth at full force. A gurgling noise escaped your throat as frantic arms engulfed your form, the sound of terrified screams barely reaching your ears as your face was buried into Shouto's chest.

The poor boy began to panic, his throat getting clogged up as he stared down at your nearly beheaded form. The pain in his shoulder was pushed to the side, eyes blown wide in terror as your body began to slump.

"Y-Y/N!" He weakly spoke, strong arms holding you close to his chest in fear. Blood flew out of your neck in rivers, falling into puddles on the grass below. Shouto resisted the urge to throw up, pushing down the bile in his stomach as he stared at your form in horror. Just a second ago everything had seemed to be fine. Why was it that you couldn't get a second to rest?

"How dare you lay your filthy man hands on my daughter!"

Your mother was in hysterics, red eyes blown wide in anguish as she pulled the blade back to her side. Sheer anger and malice emitted from her tall form, standing at a grand 6 feet behind you and Shouto. Her elegant white dress was now stained in blood, long black hair messily strewn about as evidence of her hysterics. The outside of her eyes were lightly rimmed in a red color, evidence of her having cried earlier.

Any onlookers at the scene could easily tell that this was one angry mother from just the look on her face. The sheer amount of bloodlust emitting from her tall frame was enough to make everyone freeze in place, unable to move an inch as they were frozen in fear. It was suffocating. The air had become thinner, as if the oxygen was taken right out of their lungs.

Not to mention the sight of your nearly beheaded form. It was enough to send tremors throughout each and every person there, to the extent that many were frozen in fear and unable to produce a single word.

"You've tainted my daughter, you wretch! Get your filthy hands off of her!!"

With a scream of anguish, your mother made way for another strike, only for Shouto to put up a large wall of ice in retaliation. The poor boy's quick thinking paid off for a fraction of a second, gathering you up in his arms before retreating. Deep within his mind he knew it was pointless to go up against your mother, especially since she bore the Kuromiya name. There was no doubt that he- no, nobody other than you would be able to stand up against her.

The thing is, she had almost wiped your head clean off.

You were in no state to be fighting, evidence of this being your slowing pulse.

"Give my daughter back, you heathen!" Your mother spun the blade expertly in her hands, bloodstained tears running down her face as she approached Shouto. "I should have you executed in the Kuromiya name for violating my daughter! Your limbs will be ripped apart, body reduced to nothing but ribbons!"

they tell me im a god. ♪ BNHA x Reader ♪Where stories live. Discover now