26 | they tell me i'm so humble.

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Technically, all of this was your fault.

Well, some parts. Not everything.

You cursed under your breath as you ducked into the forest, not giving a single glance back at the building that held your surviving classmates. You had to get rid of the curtain, or it was game over. You exhaled a deep breath as you circled the perimeter of the spherical curtain, rhinestone eyes carefully observing each and every detail of the dome. It was practically impossible to see inside, even with your enhanced vision. There was no doubt that it was intended to be made this way, which meant someone rather powerful was behind it.

That person being one of your family members.

You still couldn't deduce who exactly, but there was no doubt it was one of your older siblings or possibly even your parents. The younger siblings were much too small and feeble to even attempt a curtain of this caliber and complexity, especially with the requirements that must be met to even put it up in the first place.

The curtain technique was one of the first techniques you learned at a young age, and directly by your father himself. It was a simple technique, mostly used to hide your activities from the outside world. However, a technique in the hands of your family only meant trouble, especially if you found yourself to be one of their targets.

Which is exactly what you were right now.

The only thing is, you were being kept out rather than being trapped in. You knew all too well of your family's shady tactics, and deduced that they were most likely cooperating with the League of Villains in order to hold your classmates hostage. The League of Villain's real motive was unbeknownst to you, until Mandalay relayed a message with her telepathy stating that Bakugou was one of the targets.

'Why Bakugou in particular?'

You knew better than to assume it was just Bakugou. Knowing your family, they would take the entire class hostage if it meant bringing you back home. This only begged the question, why now? Why did they stoop so low as to cooperate with the League of Villains? Were they trying to insult you? Or perhaps, were they using this event as a means to gain something more than just bring you home?

You cursed under your breath as you scaled your way up the trees, reaching the peak with no trouble. Using Infinity to virtually make yourself weightless, you stood atop the tallest branch, surveying the large dome from a higher perspective. You carefully floated over to the center of the dome, glaring down at the curtain in disgust.

'I'm gonna kill them.'

You thought darkly, slowly descending upon the dome. You maneuvered yourself midair with the help of Infinity, reaching your hand down to touch the dome once more. This only resulted in another sharp electric current running up your arm, steam floating off your palm in waves. You winced slightly at the pain, pulling your hand back quickly as you hovered over the dome.

'Looks like I can't break it using brute force. Guess I'll have to pull out the big guns and hope for the best.'



Deep within the confines of the curtain, the fight between your classmates and the League of Villains raged on. Many were left unconscious due to a gas type quirk, left immobile and exposed to attacks. Others were desperately fighting for their lives against villains leagues above their own. Others were trying to keep eachother safe as best they could.

Despite all being at different places at different times, they all wondered what exactly the black veil that descended upon the forest in the shape of a dome was. More so, who was the one to put it up.

they tell me im a god. ♪ BNHA x Reader ♪Where stories live. Discover now