29 | they give so much to me.

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The cold vicious void you were trapped in was something you would never forget.

Nothing mattered in that space. You couldn't think, see, hear, taste, or feel anything. It was nice. You honestly wished you could stay there forever, not having to go through the trouble of thinking. Even that in itself was too much of a hassle. Given everything you had been through.

It was peaceful, but somehow it felt wrong.

No matter how much you wished you could have stayed in that state of space forever, you knew deep down that there were still things you needed to do. Kedama's brutal murder at the hands of your family wasn't something you were going to let slide so easy. Not in a million years.

Which is why slowly but surely, you began to regain all of your lost senses, the familiar buzz of Six Eye's power coursing through your veins bit by bit. It took quite a bit of time for you to fully become aware of your surroundings, but when you did you weren't sure that it was a good thing.

Because when you opened your eyes, you were greeted with the sight of the very same room where unspeakable things were done to you.

You were sitting in a cold metal chair, the chill of the cool metal riding up your thighs causing goosebumps to travel up your skin. Your tired eyes fell onto your lap, noticing immediately that you were only wearing a very thin dress garment that stopped at your top thigh. The cold icy air of the room nicked at your skin, small shivers running up your spine as you glanced up to examine your surroundings further. The position was all too familiar. While you hadn't been held down by any sort of restraint, the familiarity of the room was enough to make you stay in your seat.

You were greeted with the familiar sight of the red room you despised as a child, fluorescent red lights illuminating the small room entirely. The walls were coated in dried blood, gallons of your blood splattered across the tiny room. The walls were previously a bright white, only to be stained with the copious amounts of your bodily fluids throughout the years.

Apparently it had been made especially for you, as if it were some family tradition.

You cringed at the sight of the enclosed walls, somehow feeling as if they were getting closer and closer to you the more you looked at them. The design of the room itself was to induce a sense of claustrophobia, which it executed quite well. It was nauseating, but you found the willpower to suck it up just like you would as a child.

That's all you could ever do. Just suck it up and hope for the best.

You groaned slightly at the aching pain in your forehead and chest, briefly recalling being nearly beheaded and quite literally being stabbed in the head. Then the pieces started falling in place. Fragments of what had happened came rushing back to you at full force.


"You're awake."

The sound of your father's voice echoed throughout the small room, bouncing off the walls in loops. You held your head up at the sound of his voice, unwilling to give into your fear of what was to come next.

'They got me.'

"I see you were able to perform a reverse technique by yourself. It seems as though you've finally unlocked the true powers of Limitless. Quite impressive, I must say. Not only did you reverse the wound in your throat, but also the stab wound to your brain. All within an impressive amount of time. I was only able to successfully perform it when I was 19, but even then I had trouble fully mastering it." He spoke, his voice slightly grainy due to the microphone he was speaking through. His voice was being directly transmitted through a speaker and into the room via various speakers littered within the walls all around you.

they tell me im a god. ♪ BNHA x Reader ♪Where stories live. Discover now