18 | touch me.

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"Tense up, Zuko! You're wide open!" You warned as you dealt an effortless kick to Shouto's side, sending the boy flying a few feet away. He gave a few groans as he lifted himself from the ground, clutching at his aching side. You stood a few feet away from him, dressed in a pair of gray sweatpants and a black long sleeved shirt. Shouto was dressed similarly, the only difference being that the colors were inverted.

Endeavor was standing next to the door of the room, an annoyed expression on his face as you bested his son yet again. The room's floor was layered with training mats, the walls constructed of a sturdy metal to avoid any casualties to the rest of the building. A few of the mats were burned due to Shouto's fire, as well as small chunks of ice scattered across the vicinity.

"Okay, I win again." You spoke, adjusting the sunglasses perched on your nose. You shoved your other hand in your pocket, slowly walking over to Shouto who was trying his best to deal with the pain in his side.

"How many is that, Incineroar?" You slyly smirked in Endeavor's direction, the pro hero huffing in annoyance as he recounted the amount of times you beat Shouto. The nickname didn't go past him, in fact it only made him even more annoyed at your blatant disrespect.


"Yay!" You clapped your hands, cheering for yourself.

Shouto gave a disappointed sigh, sitting in a criss cross position on the floor as he grieved his loss. He had only bested you once or twice during today's training, but that didn't help him feel any better. He knew of that other "quirk" of yours. Your Infinity. In theory, had you used that ability during your training session he wouldn't have been able to so much as touch you. However, since his father was surveying the match you obviously weren't able to use it.

After your conversation a few days ago at the mall, he made an appoint to not speak a word of what you told him to anybody. The thought of villains possibly coming after you because of your "quirk" worried him.

"Don't look so upset, Vulpix. You did good!" You knelt down in front of Shouto, causing teen to meet your gaze from behind your sunglasses. Not that he could anyways, the lenses were pitch black. You gave a mischievous grin as your glasses slid down your nose, revealing your unmistakable diamond eyes.

"But not good enough!" You placed your hands on the ground to balance yourself, lifting your leg up to strike him straight across the face. A cold hand met your ankle, effectively stopping your attack as ice crawled up your leg. You gave a hearty laugh as Shouto's left side bursted into flames, determined eyes meeting yours.

You quickly pulled your leg out of his grasp as you pushed yourself a few feet away, a large barrage of flames chasing your form. You briefly heard Endeavor commend his son on his quick reaction time, sliding under a column of ice that Shouto sent your way.

It was easy to see how experienced Shouto was with his ice powers, expertly shooting columns of ice your way to force you to dodge. His use of fire was lacking, but it was easy to see that he was getting used to using his right side while fighting you.

You gave a small huff as his fire nicked your hand, pulling away from the heat while avoiding his ice attacks.

"You're relying too much on your quirk!" You called, sliding expertly under a pillar of ice that was aimed for your head. You used the momentum to close the distance between the two of you, swiping your legs under his feet. He gave a strangled noise as he fell to the ground, only to be met with your foot striking his back.

He fell to the ground with a thud, groaning in pain as he reached to soothe his aching back.

"That's enough for today." Endeavor spoke, his flames slightly growing in size. "We will be going to Hosu City again in search of the Hero Killer just like we did yesterday. Change into your hero costumes, and meet me in the lobby. " With that the pro-hero stomped out of the training room, the door shutting behind him with a loud thud.

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