09 | miss easy-bake

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The next day, school was temporarily closed due to the events that had taken place at the U.S.J. There was no doubt that this event would have a massive impact on Class 1-A. This event had no doubt lit a torch under the students, they had gotten a taste of the real world of heroism.

You, however, couldn't care less.

Which is why you're now seated in your designated place at the very back of the class, braiding Yaoyorozu's large ponytail without a care in the world. The recommended student allowed you to do so, leaning back against her chair slightly so you wouldn't have to lean forward so much and strain your back.

You weren't all that interested in your classmate's conversations, more concerned with the fishtail braid you were attempting to do on Yaoyorozu's long hair.


Iida stood at the front of the class, doing what you assumed to be his 'class president duties.'

"We are in our seats, you're the one who's not." Sero pointed out the obvious, the class president sitting down in his own seat shakily.

"So, who's gonna be teaching homeroom now that Aizawa-sensei is in the hospital?"

"Well, he's supposedly going to be recovering at the hospital.."

'If he's supposed to be at the hospital then why is he...' You raised an eyebrow, obviously feeling the familiar presence of Aizawa right outside the door. But they didn't need to know that.

As if on cue, the doors to the classroom opened, revealing a mummified Aizawa.


'I knew it!'

"Aizawa-sensei, you're already back?!" The class chorused, save for a few.

The pro hero shakily made his way to the podium at the front of the class, obviously having trouble doing so.

Iida's hand shot up in the air, "SENSEI! YOU'RE ALRIGHT!"

'He doesn't look alright.'

"Don't concern yourselves over me. After all, the battle hasn't really ended yet."

Now this piqued your interest, letting go of Yaoyorozu's hair to lean back against your seat. A hand subconsciously rose up to fix your blindfold, adjusting the fabric before it was comfortable rested on your eyes. Another battle? His tone suggested as if something terrible was going to happen, but you highly doubted it.

"U.A.'s sports festival is approaching."


"Wait, hold up. That sounds like something villains would try to infiltrate... Isn't it?"

You couldn't agree more with Jirou's comment, your lips curling into a small frown. Why would they hold such a big event right after a big villain attack? It just didn't sit right with you. There were so many reasons to cancel the entire thing. So why didn't they?

"On the contrary, since we're going ahead with the festival, it means that the school is confident it has all its ducks in row when it comes to its crisis control now. I hear police presence will be five times bigger than normal, for example. What you should be thinking about is... What a huge chance the academy's sports festival presents for you all."

You had never really been one to watch or even meddle with the affairs of heroes and villains, none of your family was. The Kuromiya clan lurked in the shadows, having more important matters to attend to than some highschool sport festival. Heroes and villains meant nothing to your family, so you never bothered to even so much as glance at the matter.

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