13 | eyes closed.

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You stood in the middle of the stadium, Iida directly across from you a good distance away. He, like many others, was intent on taking the number one spot. It was easy to see. He had a fire of determination lit ablaze behind his glasses, along with a high regard of respect towards you. He knew full well you placed highest on the entrance exams, and how well you were able to use your 'quirk.' He had to take extra precaution, and the best way to do that would be to snatch that blindfold covering your eyes. It was at the center of your strength, so in his mind all he had to do was take it off and he would be victorious. He believed that with his speed and agility, he would be able to do so.

How wrong he was.

The match started at Present Mic's cue, Iida immediately charging up the engines in his calves before bursting forward in a blur of speed. He was in front of you in seconds, a hand reaching out to grab your blindfold. He was mere centimeters away before you side stepped, causing the teen to lose his balance and nearly fall forward. You raised your leg in the air, bringing it down to strike his back with a strong axe kick. He gave a deep groan as waves of pain rushed through his spine, though quickly retaliated despite the discomfort.

"Y/N DELIVERS A DAMAGING AXE KICK TO IIDA!! DAMN THAT MUST'VE HURT!!" Present Mic's commentary made you want to laugh, but you had more important things to deal with.

He balanced himself swiftly, sending a fast kick aimed at your head. You brought up your forearm to block the attack, only for another one to be met with your side.


Iida hit pretty hard, but certainly didn't hinder you in the slightest. While you were still a bit weak due to the effects of your Domain Expansion, you certainly weren't hopeless. In fact, you were even starting to feel better. To you, this fight was nothing more than a warm up to get your body back to normal.

You grabbed his ankle before he could pull away, using your foot to kick the other one in order to trip him onto the ground.. His back hit the ground with a hard thud, wincing in pain as he scrambled to get back up. Before he realized it he was met with a shoe to the face, just barely being able to raise up his forearms to block the incoming attack.

He charged up his engines to full capacity, knowing full well that he wouldn't win the match if you kept that blindfold on. You weren't having any of that though, rushing forward with a swift kick to the side of his head. He learned from his previous mistake, grabbing your ankle just as you did to him. You were a bit surprised, not expecting him to use your own tactic against you.

"Impressive, Iida."

His hand reached out to grab your blindfold, but you grabbed it just seconds before it reached you. You tightly gripped his wrist, lifting up your other leg to wrap around Iida's neck. You squeezed your knees around Iida's neck, applying just enough pressure so he wouldn't pass out right away.


Your back slammed against the concrete of the ring as Iida desperately tried to free himself from your death grip, your legs squeezing around his pulse tightly. He dropped down onto his knees, your grip was so tight that he wasn't able to breath. He desperately needed air in his lungs, but you wouldn't let him.

Your hands were restraining his wrist, making it so that he couldn't even use his hands. You held your grip until Iida eventually passed out, his face turning red as his body gave out on him. You let him go as soon as he went limp, the boy's head landing on your thighs.

they tell me im a god. ♪ BNHA x Reader ♪Where stories live. Discover now