24 | i smile and shake my head.

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"So with that being the case, we ought to be more wary of the enemies' movements. The destination for our regular school trip will likely be changed... And the new destination won't be announced until the day of the event."


The class was understandably surprised by the news, but considering the facts it was a reasonable approach to a bad situation. You, however, couldn't care less.

You found it odd how the school didn't just cancel the trip all together, especially after that targeted attack at the mall. Did they just like, not care that Izuku was held against his will? Not to mention the fact that the innocent police officer from your encounter with Shigaraki and Dabi had inevitably perished. His body was found in the same place you left it, and an investigation was underway to try and figure out what happened. The poor man's entire body was burned to a crisp, something you didn't see everyday. It really bothered you, but there wasn't anything you could do to change it.

Nonetheless the first semester came to a close, and summer break had commenced. While most students would be spending their summer break relaxing and having fun, you found yourself in the very back of a loud bus on the way to U.A.'s school trip to the forest.

You were lucky enough to snag the row of seats in the back, laying down on your stomach while Kedama took up an entire seat for himself. The little pup needed his space, after all. It wasn't much of a problem though, seeing as how there was a lot of space to begin with.

You shoved your head in your arms, using them as a makeshift pillow as music blasted in your ears. Aizawa had previously mentioned that they would be stopping in one hour intervals, which translated to you as: "One hour to nap."

You slept soundly in the back with Kedama, the pup dutifully watching over you as you slept. Anytime one of your classmates tried waking you up or talking to you, he was right there to protect you. He would either bite their hand or bark loudly at them, one or the other. Many of your classmates found it endearing how adamant he was about letting you sleep, and understandably decided to just let you sleep.

Soon enough the one hour mark had been passed, the students filing out of the bus. You woke up to Kedama pawing at your head, the little doggie messing up your hair as he tried to wake you up. You opened your eyes slowly, diamond eyes meeting Kedama's as you lifted your head up to meet his gaze.

"You didn't have to mess up my hair..." You mumbled groggily, gently petting Kedama on the head. The pup barked eagerly, watching as you reached into your travel bag for a treat. You set the treat before him, the pup eagerly gobbling it up as you made your way to the front of the bus.

"Stay here! And be a good boy!" You only received a bark in response, smiling to yourself as you made your way out of the bus. You slipped your signature blindfold over your eyes, skipping down the steps.

You walked in on two cat-themed pro heroes introducing themselves, stopping in your tracks to stare in confusion at the two females.

"We're the Wild, Wild Pussy-Cats!!"

You were even more confused as to their group name, wondering if you were just dreaming or if this was reality. There was no way these mature, responsible, adults named themselves the Wild, Wild Pussy-cats.

You turned your head to see Izuku having a fanboy fit, the boy spouting out nonsense that you couldn't even begin to care about. You noticed Mina waving her hand to try and catch your attention, making your way over to stand next to her as the pro heroes explained what was going to happen.

"This area is more or less our domain. The place you'll be staying is on the base of that mountain." Pro hero Mandalay explained, pointing out into the vast area of land. You were already putting the pieces together, frowning a bit as you realized what the cheeky bastards were about to pull. It seemed as though your classmates had also realized what was happening, slowly backing away towards the bus.

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