36 | six feet off the ground

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To say Izuku was stressed was an understatement.

The boy was oozing anxiety. Yet, also a sense of determination.

Having just exited the conference regarding the Shie Hassaikai, Izuku couldn't help but feel as though tons of bricks were being placed upon his shoulders. Reconvening with his classmates, Uraraka, Kirishima, and Tsuyu, (as well as his upperclassmen, Nejire, Tamaki, and Mirio) he began explaining to the others what exactly happened during his altercation with Overhaul.

Izuku was crestfallen at the fact that he had not been able to save Eri, yet just as determined to save the girl. His mind was plagued by the thoughts of the girl's horrified expression, the memory of her tear filled ruby eyes burned into the back of his mind.

It reminded him of the same look you had in your eyes when you were impaled through the skull by your own family, only to be taken away and forgotten about not even an hour later.

He felt guilty, so incredibly guilty.

Guilt buzzed at the back of his head like a fly that won't go away. He tried to justify his actions, trying to convince himself that you would understand, that you would be okay with him putting the life of a child before yours.

Yet, he couldn't find it in himself to do so. You hadn't contacted him in his dreams. Not even so much a whisper in the dark void you had created.

Were you okay? What was your family doing to you? What were they making you do? When you appeared to him the last time you looked completely fine, but then again dreams often don't replicate the real life image. He wondered if you were somehow injured and weren't able to contact him. What kind of despicable things were-


"Huh? Yes?" Izuku's head snapped to attention, head automatically turning in the direction that the voice came from. He was met with Kirishima's gentle gaze, the boy's eyes twinkling with a tiny bit of worry.

"You okay bud? You kinda spaced out there for a bit."

It was only then that Izuku realized that they were on their way back to the dorms. All of them. He took a quick headcount of all his classmates on the train, those being Kirishima, Uraraka, and Tsuyu. They were also accompanied by their upperclassmen.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just thinking about the raid." Izuku perked up, finally finding something to focus and latch onto. His thoughts wouldn't plague him anymore.

"Well when we get back to the dorms we can relax for a bit! Remember though, we're on call for when they manage to find Eri and the hideout!" Uraraka chirped from her seat on the train, her knee bobbing up and down.

"Yup, kero. We have to be ready for the next conference as well." Tsuyu chimed in, Kirishima nodding encouragingly.

The conversation shifted to another topic Izuku couldn't bring himself to participate in, nodding his head unconsciously with what they were saying. His mind continued to be plagued by thoughts and worries, the gears in his head never stopping even when they finally made it back to the dorms. He vaguely remembered bidding his upperclassmen goodnight as they parted, subconsciously willing himself to get it together.

He had to save Eri, no matter what. But on the other hand, he had to save you too.

Before he stepped inside the dormitory he took a moment to compose himself, taking a few deep breaths to calm his nerves. What kind of hero would he be if he let himself crush under pressure?

With a newfound determination Izuku smiled, and pushed the doors open to follow his friends.

"You guys are back! Your work studies definitely seem longer than the rest of ours, huh?" Kaminari greeted, practically bubbling with excitement. Izuku was happy to bathe in the other's ignorance, smiling back at him.

they tell me im a god. ♪ BNHA x Reader ♪Where stories live. Discover now