Chapter 23- Ally

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FAVOR FOR YOU GUYS- Comment please if you actually do read the author notes at the end of the chapter and even the ones at the top.

Chapter 23-  Ally

I woke up in a room I didn't recognize.

No sign of Blake.

No sign of the pack or my friends.

But more importantly, no sign of Christopher.

I dont know how long I was out. All I knew was that it was night time once again from the little port hole that was on the cieling, and the quietness that surrounded me.

Its been at least a day that I knew for sure. My mind was restless, questions circling through my mind.

Where's Christopher?

Is he okay?

Does Blake know we're gone?

Is the pack okay?

What do they want with us?

I was thinking about every possible outcome.

That we weren't going to be saved.

That Christopher wasn't okay and that I was never going to see him agian.

That I was never going to see Blake again.

My thoughts were broken off by an old lady entering the room with a tray of food. My body relaxed knowing that it wasnt a man but I still kept my gaurd up for tue unknown.

"Oh dear. You don't deserve this hun." She said but I never answered. I kept my gaze on her waiting for any sudden movement.

Slowly she slid the tray in front of me and my wolf concluded that she was no threat.

" Have you seen a boy?" I ask helplessly.

 "He's under my care when they don't have him. I'm doing my best to keep him safe." She says with sympathy.

"What do they want with us?" I push to get answers.

"He's a special one." She replies vaguely.

"What do you mean by that?" I question confused.

"I'm afraid I've said to much." Sending a small smile, she made her way out of the door.

Although I know he's being taken care of as best as possible, she left me more confused.

What did she mean by special?

How often is he with them?

How often is he actually safe?

What are they doing to my baby?!

My wolf growled at my last thought.

We will get through this! My wolf, Luna, yelled at me.

I sighed knowing that I would not be able to relax until I see him. Crawling my tensed body to the wall, I looked around to try to find something in the room that could help untie my hands.

A bunch of cabinets lined the walls but from the empty desk that was in the corner made me doubt finding anything useful.

Sighing I curled my body up in the corner seeking warmth that seemed to never come and without trying to, successivly falling asleep.

Waking up by the slamming of a door I was instantly on edge. My body is run down of its energy and I was already losing hope of getting out of here unharmed. Along with the slam of the door came a gaurd carrying a sleeping Christopher. When they were close and the gaurd set him down I immediately saw the damage. All along his upper arm were irritated spots of skin where you could easily tell that something was injected into him. My wolf and I were immediatly growling in anger but before we could do anything the gaurd was already locking the door up and laughing.

The men here were so cruel! Wait no. Cruel was an understatement! Feuled by anger I now knew we were going to get out of here. One way or another I was sure of it.  Right now it was just a waiting game. The pack was already aware of the rouges and I knew that they would help out to save their luna and Christopher.

Nestling him in my embrace, I found a bracelet wrapped around his wrist.

B 390. Was what was written across it. More questions ran through my mind.

What is B 390?

What did they inject him with?

Is he going to be okay?

What was their reason behind needing us? Or did they just want him and I was in the way?

With the questions all around my head I felt like I was going to pass out with everything that I've found out in this little time frame. The last thing that passed through my mind before I did was knowing that Christopher was safe for now and that Blake would come for us.


I know these chapters have been really short but I am still hoping that its good enough for you guys. Becuase of me not updating the past month my chapters are probably going to be short until I am used to writing and then they should grow in length hopefully. Bare with me.


Hope you like this chapter and comment what you think B 390 means and what you think the lady meant when she said he was special!


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