Chapter 28- Epilogue

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Chapter 28- Epilogue

Yesterday I told Blake that I loved him as did he when he said that he loved me since the very beginning. It was everything I thought it could be and more. He showed me how it felt to love; passionate and gentle rather than dominant and rough.

I was his and now he was mine in every way possible and the proof was proudly resting on my hip bone.

I remember a year ago when I came home from school and saw all those boxes. My aunt sent me away with no regret and I was so mad at her for that. But now...I didn't really care because without her doing that I never would of met Blake. Or James. Or the pack for that matter. They were my family blood or not and they made me stay at my best. With them at my side I knew I could face anything that came at me.

Three days after that night, we had a pack dinner. One who thinks of a pack dinner might think of laughs and smiles but this one didn't have that.

I walked into the living room where all the pack mates were. Blake and James were at a meeting but he had told me before that it was ending just before the dinner started so I didn't have to worry. While I was waiting for Blake I was talking to Heather, Christine and Farrah. We havn't talked in awhile so we were just catching up and they saw the mark so they started congratulating me on that. But they weren't the only ones that saw the mark. Feeling someone staring at me I turned to the entry of the living room to see an angry Kelly. If you forgot who Kelly is she's known as the 'pack slut' and is also the girl who told me 'to stay away from her man', meaning Blake. Well she was staring intently at the puncture wholes on my neck making her face even more livid then earlier. Well this isn't good. In no way was I scared of here I just didn't want to have this big scene come up.I saw her stomp her foot and thinking that she was gonna turn around and storm away I resumed my conversation with the girls."You know what guys we should all  hang out together tomo-" Heather began but all to soon was interrupted. "Haylee watch out!!" Yelled a frantic Christine.

I quickly turned around to see Kelly's small wolf lunging at me. The living room grew silent but she was to close for me to do anything. Closing my eyes I waited for the attack but it never came. The only thing that I felt was this heat of electricity traveling around me that was so unknown and unexpected to me. Soon after the weird feeling spread over me I felt a whoosh of wind and a bang sounded on the far side of the room. Opening my eyes startled, I could see Kelly on the other side of the room unconscious in a heap on the floor. My mouth was a replica of a fish out of water. I had no clue of what happened but everyone was looking at me. I couldn't move I was frozen in shock seeing everything before me like it was a dream. It was all hazy. I recognized Blake walk in but as soon as he did he stopped when he saw everyone staring at me.

I didn't notice I was shaking until Blake wrapped me up in his hold. He tried to get me to respond to his questions but when I didn't respond he turned towards Christine.

"What happened?!" He asked in distraught.

By this point she was already in tears. "We were just talking and then Kelly came in and saw Haylees m-mark," she cried, " Haylee turned a-around after s-she stopped, I assume thinking she was going to run off and we continued chatting. I screamed at Haylee to watch out when I saw Kelly in wolf form lunging at Haylee but it was to late. By the time s-she turned around she wasn't able to defend herself but she didn't need to. She froze, closing her eyes waiting for an attack and there was a glow coming off her. Shortly after that happened Kelly was thrown into the wall." Sobbing she finished the rest of the story. "When she opened her eyes she looked like she didn't understand what happened and just froze, shaking."

Blake quickly looked back to me. He put me at arms length and crouched on the floor to the spot I had attained on the ground. "Haylee baby you have to answer me. Did you do that?" He asked looking me in the eye.

"N-no." I stuttered in a whisper. I knew who did it but I couldn't come to turns with that answer. I knew as soon as I felt it when I was sitting on the floor.

Looking up at him I took his hand in mine and placed it on my stomach. "The baby did." I said with a smile.



Hey guys. I tried to write this the best I can I think it could of been better but it's how it is. Anyways im sorry to announce that this is the end of Hell Bound and a sequel will be up in a matter of days or week top. I hope you liked the journey so far of Haylee and Blake and there is more to come.

Soo Haylees Pregnant!! Thoughts?

Thanks for reading guys.


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