Battle Against the Past (Part Two)

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Chapter 15

      As I gave the okay it became a war zone. The only thing that could hear were snarls, howls, whines, and the unending sound of paws hitting the surface of the earth. Warriors were the first to go, killing amungst the ones that attacked and bypassing the others. Then there were the hunters and trackers leaving in a bunch. They finished of the attackers that seemed the pass by the warriors, still leaving the innocents alone.

Scanning the battle ground that was up ahead, I searched for the demon himself. The one whose haunted my nightmare for years and made my life a living hell. Aden himself was striding through the battle ground like an invincible force field was surrounding him. No one went after him and to my slight relief he didn't go after anyone either. Slight relief because that meant he was focused on something entirely different. Me. On the inside I was trembling in fear but I wouldn't let it show. As he was advancing on me, still distanced a ways away, I took that as my time to check up on my friends. Parker was the closest. Battling a rouge with ease he quickly moved to the next. Noting that he didn't have any injuries I scanned the mass of wolves for another. James was having a stand down with a rouge. Having once again spotted no injuries, I looked for Blake. While everyone else was battling with ease, he had a little bit more of a struggle. Attacking three wolves was a hassle but he was doing really good and soon Parker helped him and they were both off to the next.

After I did my quick skim of the premises I locked eyes with Aden but he was closer now. With my guard now up, I focused on his figure looking for any quick movements. When he was in reaching distance I kept my gaze and we began circling each other. While I was in my human form, Aden was in his wolf form, letting me see the scar that was given by muah. That was the one time I tried fighting back and I had to go to the hospital for three broken ribs and a fractured wrist. Losing focus. Focus Haylee. Still circling I wait for him to make a move. I didn't have to wait long, he lunges and I quickly think about air and levitate over him but before I can get any higher he grips my ankle with his teeth and throws me back on the ground. Not being able to move from my current position thanks to my damaged ankle, he takes it to his advantage and lunges at me but I am one step ahead of him. In one second when he was mid lunge he was sent to the tree behind him. Thanking air in my head I attempted to stand. Not working as planned, I used earth to make a platform for me so I was looking down on Aden. Sitting on the platform to help my burning ankle, I made a circle of fire around Aden. Snarling vicously I smirked. Watcha gunna do now? I laughed to myself but stopped short when he was no longer in a closed circle made of fire. He did not just do what I think he did! In case you were wondering the one flaw to my plan was him peeing! on the fire. Who randomly thinks of peeing at this time?! During my thoughts I didn't notice him stalking towards my pack.

Levitating in the air I follow behind him, throwing balls of fire. The rouges are basically all gone now except for the ones who didn't participate in the fighting. To my relief no one is hurt from what I can see. If they are then its not evident. Landing on the ground I shout, " Come get me! That's what you wanted right?!" He quickly spinned around and the first thing I notice was the evil shine to his eye. He had something up his sleave, it seemed like but I have something better up mine and if I can help it, I'll finish this before he gets the chance. When he gets close enough he lays down. Why would he lay down? Much to my dismay I didn't notice the wolves that were now surrounding me. Closer they got and the bigger Adens grin became but what I didn't expect was what happened next. Blakes pack emerged behind them but no one was fighting. They were all focused on something behind me. Aden. Knowing that this was going to end, I let the relief fully set in. In seconds everyone attacked and I knew he didn't stand the chance and seeing the outcome he hadn't. Everything was going to get better or so I thought. That was until I saw Will and Zane emerging from the forest. One having a determined look while the other had one of concern, I realize that Justin was lagging behind. Worry built up in me. Is he ok? When he was within steps before me I finally understood what was happening. A little boy no older then 3 was sobbing while walking along behind Justin. I only hoped that everything would be okay.

A/NI'm not really fond of this chapter and I didn't know really how to go about this chapter. Sorry if its bad.

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