17- Meeting The Parents

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I got the gif to work and updated it on the last chapter.Gif  on the last chapter (animated pictures on the side or above if your on the app) consists of Christopher, Farrah (James Mate), The battle ground/ wooded backyard, Haylee's white wolf, and Blake's black wolf.

Chapter 17

Walking off the stage I knew this was my new beginning. We were now on our way to pick up Christopher from Mary and Charlie, which I learned were the names of Blake's parents. Looking at Logan I was going to ask him where his parents where when I saw a haze over his eyes signalling that he was using the pack link.

"They're waiting in the living room." Blake said and he led the way. I followed behind him getting stopped once in a while by members of the pack greeting me with friendly smiles and words. My wolf immediately filled with pride over her pack, they barely know us yet they went through risking their lives to save me and make me feel welcomed. As the members began to file away, I quickly caught up with Blake. We were halfway to the living room and I could already here the delighted squeals of Christopher. It brought a smile on my face at the thought of him adjusting to us so quick. Then again, he's just a kid and he doesn't have many problems in his life. Walking in the room, I smiled brightly when I was welcomed to the sight of Christopher stumbling out of Mary's grip, and I quickly opened my arms when I saw him launch himself at me. My wolf has gotten very fond on him and at times its hard to let him go and not have him by my side twenty four seven. Like I said very protective.

"Hey ma, pa."

"Hey son." Mr. Sanders said, " Your ma and I were talking about having a family dinner to welcome Haylee to the family."

Blake turned to look at me obviously searching for my opinion.

"Uh..." I blushed furiously and looked down letting my hair curtain over my face.

"Maybe some other time." Blake replied to his parents invitation kindly to which I quickly snapped my head up and quickly disagreed.

"no no no no. It's okay I want to." I said still blushing.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Blake said looking at me with pure honesty. " There's no pressure." He added.

"I know... I just don't like being the center of attention." I mumbled the last part but with his extra senses Logan still heard and released a chuckle, to which I frowned at. I didn't find anything funny.

Blake saw my expression and quickly explained. "You were just the center of attention of an entire pack." He chuckled smiling affectionately at me. My wolf purred in content at the love that was in his gaze while I blushed letting my hair curtain my face once again. No doubt there was attraction between Blake and I. Even when I was also matched with his brother, I could tell that the sparks between us overpowered the small amount of sparks I felt for James. Obviously that's because he wasn't my true mate, as Farrah, his mate that he found during the battle is living proof.

"What time are we going to eat dinner?" I ask curiously.

"I'm going to start the food in like twenty minutes." Mary said.

"Ok, I'll get freshened up and then I'll come and help you with dinner." Smiling at Mary, I spun on my heel to go get ready when she stopped me.

"You don't have to do that. I can handle it, dear." She smiled appreciatively.

"Oh no I want to." I smiled and then slowly turned around and made my way to my room to freshen up.

10 minutes later I walked out of the shower and got dressed so I could help Mary in the kitchen. Making sure everything in my room was clean I descended the stairs and I could already smell the food.

Did I take that long? I swear I only took ten minutes I thought

"I'm hungryyyyyy" Whined the boys. My wolf snorted now understanding why the food was already started. I suppressed a smile and made my way into the kitchen. Mary was struggling cutting up vegetables, watching the mashed potatoes on the stove, and the steak in the oven.

"Let me help." I stirred the mashed potatoes and added some butter for more flavor and took over cutting the vegetables that way Mary could have a break. She looked up at me with relief and lowered herself into a chair. I also laid out chips because you can never go wrong with those, right. Mary soon excused herself to freshen up after many times of me saying that I can take care of the food. As I was stirring the mash potatoes, Blake came in a started making small talk. He eyed me wearily while I talked and I knew something was up. I kept up the act of being clueless and turned around to continue stirring. I tuned in my senses and I heard a faint crinkle and a few crunches. Spinning on my heals I turned around and glared. "Blake stop eating all the food." I whined not being able to keep my strong facade and my face broke out into a smile. At the sound of my voice he jumped from his victory daze knowing he was busted and turned on his heels within a second and scurried through the door.

When all the food was finished being made we all settled around the dinner table and made small talk. There wasn't much to say about me so of course my past was the main subject. They new about the battle but they didn't know the full detail. As kindly as I could I asked if we could speak of that some other time and the subject was dismissed. Dinner was really good and I found myself and my wolf being more comfortable around them and soon we were cleaning up and Blake and I made our way upstairs.

"Can we have a party?" I asked curiously thinking that the teenagers deserved some fun time and the adults deserved some quiet time.

"Sure." Blake smiled and soon we were surrounded by the teenagers of our pack. Everyone was dancing and Blake, James, Farrah, the girls and their mates, and I decided to play a game in a empty room. When we went to pick a game we played a couple like questions and I never but those got boring to quick for us. So thinking of some games I found a game that I remember my friend from back home and I playing at times.

"High or Low!" I shouted in excitement. Everyone looked at me curiously with a mix of confusion. So I explained. " All we need are a deck of cards and drinks. A card is flipped over to start with and judging on the card the players go around the circle guessing if the card will be higher or lower than the last card flipped. Aces are ones and the cards work their way up. Let's say someone flipped a 3. The person that has to guess would say high or low. If they say one and it isn't correct the have to slam a drink." I finished my explanation with a smile. Everyone seemed to agree and we went in search for a deck of cards. Then the game began.


The game of High or Low will be on the next chapter. Sorry it took too long to update. I have lots of homework to do and I have to get some grades up because my exams are coming up. Thanks for the patience though and I hope you enjoy o_o


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