Chapter 13 - Battle Plan

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Chapter 13 - Battle Plan

We've been training for three days now. Over the three days I've been training in my room with Parker, whose been shocked with what I could do. Using a candle to light a fire, a flag to train wind, and a rock to split the earth I was able to control my elements so I can use them against people for the war.

Waking up I ventured my way to my window to see what the weather was like for today. While looking out the window I could see the pack training so I decided to put on my exercise clothes and join them with some advice that I lacked to give them last time. Once in the backyard, I made my way to Blake.

"Care if I join and give the advice I didn't get the chance to yesterday?" I ask him with a hint of annoyance directed towards Kelly.

"Go ahead," He smiles, "good luck." He adds later wincing at the thought of last time.

Stepping up I look at the pack and smile. Everyone smiles back except for Kelly who is wearing a very unattractive sneer. "I have some advice for you guys and we'll see if I actually get through it this time." I said the last part directly to Kelly, who gave a snort in reply. Like I said very unattractive.

"First are three important things that you should follow on the battle field. One, don't lose focus. Never lose eye contact. Even though I say to stay focused, I don't want you forgetting to use your hearing. You never know when you could be counter-attacked. Number two, don't go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting it. And you will lose. Finally, number three NEVER turn your back on the enemy. Understand?" I explain but in a voice leaving no room for arguments. A chorus of yes' go around and I nod in approval.

"Now one more thing." I say, "If they don't initiate an attack on you, you do not initiate an attack on them." I demand.

"No way." Kelly sneers. I obviously wasn't surprised that she would say no. "Why should we go about our way to not kill the people that are on our territory and are filthy rouges?"

I had her up by the throat within a second not even registering my movement until it was already done. "I know Aden and I've been through his shit. He isn't afraid to blackmail to get what he wants and when he says something he goes through with it." By the last sentence I was holding back tears at the thought of my parents.

"Haylee let her go" James said softly. I listened and let her go and while James made sure she was okay, Blake was making sure I was okay. Holding me in his arms, he whispered soothing words in my ear but they didn't help they just made me cry harder. I knew him, I knew he didn't have empty threats. But I tried to shrug it off that he was drunk and didn't mean it because of that. Oh my god. "It's all my fault." I croaked with sobs crashing through me not once did his soothing words enter me. The only thing I felt was the grief and sorrow of knowing that my parents death was on me. It was on my hands. "I killed them. There dead because of me." I cried brokenly. Thinking back to that day only made me cry harder, and with my knees going weak with the energy being dragged away from me Blake had no choice but to sit me down in his lap and rock me back and forth. But the rocking was to no avail, I was in a different world. I had no knowledge of the movement going on around me. I was crying so hard that I didn't even notice that I was holding my breath, until it was to late and I was succumbed to the blackness.

Waking up to a pounding headache was not what I expected. Neither was the white room I was greeted with. Golly I swear these people, who ever they are, are trying to blind me. All I see is white. Voices in the distance were what broke me out of my train of thought. Nearing with every word, I could only catch a couple. " Fainted..possible...loss..need rest" Who were they talking about. As the voices became clearer they also became louder and I figured it was a doctor. "Will she be okay?" That voice I knew too clear and I felt my stomach plunge at the worry that it contained. It was Blake, and from all the foot steps I heard I don't think he was alone. Hearing the click of the door signalling someone coming in I looked up to see Parker, Christine, Heather, James, and Blake. Waving slightly seeing my throat hurt, I welcomed them and they all said hi back. "How you feeling?" Heather asked. "Better." I croaked feeling the scratchiness of my throat. "I'll get some water." James said and soon was placing a glass of water in my hand which I gladly gulped down. Setting the empty glass on the table, I looked around to see concerned looks. "I'm fine guys, I promise." They all sighed and seemed to visibly relax and soon the Doctor came in. "My name is Dr. Reynolds, how are you feeling Haylee?" She asked looking at me as if the answer was on my face. "Tired. Otherwise good" I said. She nodded and told me that it was usual that I was tired. Lastly, she told me that I needed to have some rest and if anything unusual would happen that I should call her. After those few words were said she left the room saying that we were free to leave.

We arrived back to the house not long after and is was getting darker outside. I was glad that it was later because I don't think I would have been able to handle the pack after earlier. At least not right away.They saw me at my worst and I'm worried of how they will react towards me afterward. Only my parents and my mates have saw me at my worst and I was lucky that they stuck by me. I knew my parents would but I was doubtful of James and Blake. Right now all of us were sitting in the living room trying to pick a movie to watch. The final decision was Bad Grandpa. We were halfway through the movie, the part where the grampa brought Billy to his dad, James announced that he had to go to work. That left us down to Heather, Christine, Parker, Blake and I. We were grouped with Parker and Christine cuddled on one couch, Heather sitting in a couch chair, and Blake and I on one chair. Many laughs were shared, especially the part where the grandpa enters Billy into the girls beauty pageant. Nearing the end of the movie, I let out a yawn and soon I am pulled towards Blake. "Go to sleep." He murmurs in my ear and soon I feel myself drift off.


Happy Christmas Eve. Have a good one and I hope you enjoy. :)


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