Battle Against the Past (Part One)

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Chapter 14- Battle Against the Past (Part One)

The pack has improved a lot over the past couple of days in training. The adults are in the upstairs theater while the kids and teenagers are in the downstairs theater. The teenagers decided on the movie Wolf Man, so letting them get there way, we were all seated around engulfed in the movie. I was halfway asleep when I heard the howl. Wondering what part of the movie we were at I looked up seeing everyone asleep and the movie off. Shit! "Blake!" I shouted but he still didn't get up. I jumped up looking around at the cluster of bodies looking for at least one of the twins. The closest one that I could see was James so I hurried over to him and started shaking him.

"Huh" he groaned half asleep.

"I heard a howl" I gasp out panicking.

"Its just the movie." He groaned wanting to go back to sleep.

"The movies over." I whisper weakly.

"Fuck, where's Blake?" He whispers. Without waiting for my response he jumped up looking around. Looking like he found him he rushed to the other side of the room, stumbling over the bodies littered across the floor. It took us a couple seconds to wake him up.

 James probably didn't have the brightest idea on how to do that. James ended up slapping Blake about five times across the face until Blake woke up and grabbed James by the throat cussing him out. Shouting at them to let it go but to no avail. This went on for about five minutes. Everytime someone go close enough to detach the two, they were pushed back by Blake. Even when I tried to get him to stop he didn't let up. Whether it was that he couldn't hear me or just didn't care, who knows. Having enough I shouted,

"That's Enough, " Save it for later, when we don't have people trying to kill us." At the mention of my last sentence Blakes posture grew stiff and he exhaled ever so slowly.

"Can you repeat that." He said it more like a reply than a question. Turning his body towards me, still not releasing his brother from his vise like grip, he looked at me cautiously.

"I said, save it for later when we don't have people trying to kill us." When my words registered, He quickly let go of his brother.

 Quickly making a plan I started, " I'll attack Aden from the trees and help everyone as well." Blake nodded in agreement, finally coming to his alpha senses.

He quickly studied the people around us which was now, the whole pack being that the adults heard all the commotion. "Women and children are to be in the safe house. Justin, Will, and Zane I want you in the woods looking for anyone trying to escape and looking in case back up comes. Kill them immediately. I want pack doctors on the premises not far but not too close. Everyone else I want fighting."

After those last words were said everyone was scrambling go get to their positions, wanting to protect their family and friends. It wasn't long before the howls got closer.

"Stay behind me." I said to everyone.

"You're not going first." Blake said without any hesitation.

"I said. Stay. Behind. Me. " Blake looked like he wanted to say something so I quickly said, "I'm not changing my mind. You can't stop me." I commanded towards Blake set on not backing down. Just when we were about to leave a thought came to mind, " I don't want anyone to initiate an attack if it isn't initiated first. Understood?" I asked leaving no room for argument. "Good." Then we were off.

Walking out the door, I could smell the ash like scent of the rouges. The most distinct one being Aden. Many were snarling at us, signaling that they were in to deep, too viscous to be saved. While others were cowering behind, looking vulnerable and scared. I noticed some kids who have not shifted yet here, out in harms way. That bastard! Wasn't it enough forcing people to fight but then you add onto it and drag in defenseless children.

"Why are you here." I shout out across the yard, waiting for a response.

"To claim my possession, why else." He smirks not taking his eyes off me.

"What if your possession doesn't want to be claimed?" I spit at him.

He all but chuckles and the smirk has now disappeared leaving an icy glare. With a look that's could kill he spat.

"Then we'll just have to take it. One way or another." Then without warning he growled and that's when his 'pack' charged. Everyone began running except for Blake's pack that still stood beside me.

"Don't move." I said quietly. Blake looked at me incredulously. " I will not let defenseless kids get trapped in this mess. It's not fair." Blake all but nodded and waited for my command. When everyone was a good distance from the vulnerable kids I gave them the okay and the battle began.


I hope you have a Merry Christmas and I'll try to post the other parts when I finish writing them. I will be busy tomorrow so I likely won't update. If you liked this chapter, please consider giving it a vote or a comment. Enjoy your time with your family and friends. I wish you a good one. :)~Stephanie

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