Chapter 27 Finding Reality

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Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the earth unbearable but with it, you express your true feelings and can truly be happy. As stupid as it sounds Blake was my art. The week without him , the reality of  all was unbearable, but with him I put my mind to terms so I could be happy and I didn't doubt that happiness.

I realized that the moment I was in his arms again, as cheeky and cliche as that sounds. Pulling back, I looked into his eyes and smiled. I finally knew what this was.

"I was so worried." He exhaled in relief. I gave him a short smile. "I missed you."

I exhaled and debated if it was the right time to tell him or not. Knowing me though, if i don't say it I'd keep pushing it off.

Looking into his eyes, I took a deep breath and whispered the words I desperately wanted to hear in return.
"I love you."

He just stood there. Looking at me like he couldn't believe what I had just said. Like it hadn't sank in yet, and then the biggest grin I had ever seen spread across his face.

"I've loved you since day one." He mumbled with his forehead pressed against mine.

Leaning in our lips connected. It was just a brief kiss but that was all I needed to know that I made the right decision telling him now.

I don't need to know where my life is headed. Yes, I've lost things along the way but haven't you ever heard the saying 'Everything happens for a reason.' I don't like the bad parts that come with it but I do believe that good comes with the bad. Nobodies life is perfect, that's impossible. I know my life can't be perfect, but I won't let it be anywhere but close to it. I couldn't be any happier because I survived my journey. My journey that I called... HELL BOUND.


Hey guys so this is my last chapter the book IS NOT COMPLETED THO.

I am planning on having a epilogue and a bonus chapter and then possibly an authors note.

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