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Rhydian's POV.

I would rather be anywhere but here right now. I'm sat at my desk with Selena sat opposite me, glaring at me. The she-wolf just doesn't fucking listen. She was told plenty of times not to rile Amaris up or to be disrespectful to her, and what does she do? Exactly the opposite of what she was told.

After Amaris first attacked her I was beyond shocked. She wasn't at all like I expected, Alpha Eric spoke very highly of her. But when I met her, she didn't seem at all like him. He described her as loving and caring, that is not how I would have described Amaris when I first met her.

But I was wrong about her, so very wrong. It's obvious now, she attacked Selena cause she knew I was her mate. I knew something was going on, I did feel something for her but I thought it was a purely physical attraction. Imagine my shock when I picked up her scent in the forest, everything finally made sense. But, then I was frustrated with Amaris. I didn't understand why she was hiding from me or why she didn't just acknowledge me. After learning about her past, I understand and I'd probably react exactly how she did.

I owe Alpha Eric a lot and keeping Amaris safe is how I will do it. He was an amazing Alpha. I only saw him in action for a few months but the love and respect he had for his pack was clear. They loved and respected him back. If I can be half the Alpha he was, I'd be content with life.

She'll never have to be afraid again, not with us here.′ My wolf, Ryder growled. I hummed in response, I will make sure no one ever hurts her again.

"Why are you so protective of Amaris," Selena questioned, snarling Amaris' name. I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my chair. "Selena, this is her rightful pack." I reminded her.

I want Amaris to lead this pack with me, I want her at my side as she should be. Hell, she can be the Alpha, I will take the Luna position if need be. Whatever it takes just to have her by my side, it will take time for her to trust me, but I am going to gain her trust.

"Yes, but you took the blood oath for this pack." She stated, "You're the Alpha." She drawled. I rolled my eyes. "I'm-" I started to speak but she cut me off, "When are we having the Luna ceremony?" She questioned, fluttering her eyelashes at me.

I blinked at her in shock. "What ceremony?" I demanded, glaring at her. She rolled her eyes playfully then leaned forward causing her shirt to show her cleavage. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, I don't know what she's trying to do but I don't find it very flattering at all.

"My Luna ceremony, silly." She giggled. I folded my arms over my chest, "I wasn't aware you were my mate, Selena." I countered. She stuck her bottom lip out and sighed. "You were supposed to take me as a chosen mate." She whined.

What?!′ Ryder growled loud, causing me to jump.

Calm down. I'm not.′ I reassured him.

"Selena, I'm not taking you as a chosen mate." I pointed out. "I never made that deal." I rolled my eyes. "But you agreed." She whined.

You did what?!′ Ryder snarled, it felt like he was pacing back and forth in my head. My head started pounding and I could feel him close to shifting.

Not exactly... listen.′ I tried getting him to listen so I could hold him back. I didn't want him shifting and ripping her head off... Not yet at least.

She's never going to trust us.′ He exploded.

"No, I agreed to take a Luna when I was 25... Not a mate," I said through gritted teeth. "And that was back at our pack." I exhaled harshly. She sat up straight, looked me in the eyes and smirked, "You're 25..."

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