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"Yeah pretty sure I'm the first here" Naomi said to her mum and sister on the phone as she'd double checked the silent flat to find it vacant of anyone

It was a plus as she wouldn't have to awkwardly introduce herself to a group of already acquainted people, but annoying in the sense she wouldn't know how long she'd have to wait for anyone to move in.

As she exhaled heavily, it wasn't even a moment later that she heard the front door open and someone making their presence known in flat 156.

She didn't waste any time and began to make her way to the opened door. The new family had already made their way into one of the unoccupied rooms. Knocking, to make her presence known, Naomi stood in the doorway.

It was a man and a boy. Quickly, a pretty blonde haired girl came from around the corner of the room and made herself known.

"Hi" both girls greeted each other.

"You're the second one here!" Naomi beamed. The other girl looked happy,

"Oh really, well I guess we have more time to get to know each other better then" she suggested with a tinge of an Birmingham accent.

The girls began to talk as though they'd known each other for years. All of a sudden they were interrupted by a voice. Naomi assumed the voice belonged to the father of her new friend.

"Hey, hey girls, why don't you introduce yourselves to each other, you don't even know your each other's names yet" he spoke.

They both looked at each other completely forgetting they didn't even introduce themselves. Her name was Olivia, Liv for short.

Liv and Naomi spent the rest of the day getting to know each other, as their other flatmates moved in. Their names were Harriet, Charlie and Andrew.

Naomi was in an all white flat, which wasn't surprising but she hoped they wouldn't ask her dumb questions about being black.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the flat's front door. Naomi got up from the kitchen and answered it. It was a petite girl with brunette hair, who was around her age and looked a little shy.

"Hi my name is Eliza, I'm your next door neighbour, I just wanted to say hi and meet all of you" she explained.

Naomi thought she was so cute, she wasn't her usual type of friend but she felt like they would get along just fine.

"Hey, we're all sat in the kitchen talking, if you want, why don't you all of your flat come over and we can play some drinking games and get to know each other" Naomi asked.

Eliza smiled and nodded quickly, going back into her flat talking to her other flatmates.

Just as Naomi was finished explaining to her flatmates what was going on, the front door opened, with five strangers walking in. Eliza at the front, with a girl named Tiana, who was mixed race, a girl named Jessica, a boy called Elliot and finally another boy called Theo was on his way as he was out.

Carrying stools from their flat, the strangers began to sit around the kitchen counter top, along with the flat owners. Naomi ended up sitting at the edge of the countertop, next to the wall and Liv. Opposite her happened to be a space left and it wasn't more than ten minutes later that the said flatmate, Theo made his way in and sat down.

They began to get to know each other, with majority of the flat was 18-19 years old, besides Theo, Elliot, Jessica and Andrew. Andrew, Elliot and Jessica all took gap years, meaning they were 20. Theo stated he was 21 and left it at that. The group did not want to pester him for answers as to why he was two years older, as it seemed like something he did not want to talk about and they respected that.

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