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Theo smiled at the memory of last night. Naomi. Naomi a girl he didn't even think twice of at the start of the academic year, and now she was someone he never wanted to leave.

He thought back to this morning when he woke up with Naomi nestled into his chest, with her leg over his body. Her eyes closed, breathing evenly showing she was still sleeping. He couldn't help but stare at her. She looked so peaceful. She was beautiful.

Theo never usually slept in the same bed as girls after he fucked them, he'd either get them to leave or he'd leave himself or he'd lay there whilst they snuggled into him and he'd just go on his phone. He could never sleep, it was like his body rejected them so his brain wouldn't let him have that luxury of being able to fall asleep next to them, but with Naomi he did. He fell asleep with ease and it was one of the best nights of sleep he'd ever had.

He had woken up early due to his natural body clock of having to do early morning training. For the first time in months he could rest. He could sit back and relax and take life as it came. He was at peace. He could even go as far as to say Naomi was his peace in a funny way, despite him knowing that basically every single one of their conversations that they'd ever had was an argument. But that was him and her and he accepted it. She was his peace.

Speaking of the girl in question, he looked over at her. She had her arms spalled over his chest, pressing her breasts into him, as her leg was thrown over his abdomen.

When he woke up he noticed her hair wasn't all that messy which surprised him, but he noticed that they had slept on some sort of silk or satin pillows so he figured it was to help her hair stay neat. He wanted to learn more about her hair.

When he looked further down at their bodies and saw her with the covers below her chest, letting her breasts spill out. He couldn't help but lick his lips at the sight.

No, he needed to calm down. It wasn't like she was running away, they had plenty of time to go for as many rounds as they wanted later on when she was awake if she was up for it, but they would have to talk first. Or later, who was he kidding he would happily fuck her again if she was up for it before talking because he couldn't get over the drug that was the girl beside him. She had so much control over him and she had no clue.

He grinned. she was so fucking beautiful to him.

Slowly unwrapping himself from her embrace, he felt her stir in her sleep. He needed her not to wake up. He had no intention of leaving her, he was simply going to get some breakfast from McDonald's for the both of them. He couldn't be bothered to cook and didn't exactly want to bump into anyone having them question why he was cooking two breakfasts and taking them to Naomi's room until he spoke to Naomi about what was going on and who they wanted to know their business.

Cautiously, Theo managed to get out of bed and pull on his clothes from last night. He looked back down at Naomi's sleeping figure and pulled the covers back over her exposed chest. He kissed her forehead. "I'll be back" he whispered. As he pulled away he heard her mumble something. He wasn't entirely sure what she had said but it definitely sounded like "don't leave me", which caused him to learn in again, saying "I don't think I ever could" as he turned to leave her room.

He saw her thong ripped on the floor and made a mental note to buy her another due to him ripping it last night when he was in the moment.

Theo managed to sneak out of flat 156. McDonald's was about a five minute walk around the corner from their accommodation so he'd be back in no time. Well he thought that until he saw the breakfast rush. For fuck sake. He hoped it wouldn't take that long he just wanted to make it back to his girl already. He wanted to be back in her bed with her snuggled into him again. Wow, Theo thought. What the hell happened to him. He never thought about shit like that before. Looked like Naomi was really changing him.

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