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"Where's Theo?" Elijah coughed out, attempting to catch his breath

"Um he's gone with coach" Ollie replied, continuing to push his duffel bag into the car, successfully packing it and closing the boot and turning back to Elijah.

"Okay when do you think he'll be done talking to coach and be back at the car?" Elijah asked

"No I mean he's gone with coach. He gave me the keys to his car for us to drive up to Manchester and he's gone in coach's car cause coach wanted to make sure he actually came and he was focused" Ollie explained, waving the keys in the air to show he was telling the truth

"Fuck" Elijah cursed

"Yo whats up with you?" Ollie asked, rounding the car to get into the drivers seat to go already. He wanted this to be an easy night drive

"Tiana give you blue balls or something?" He joked as he started the car

"No and Shut the fuck up about my girl" Elijah snapped, going over to Ollie's side

"I just saw Naomi" he confessed, looking at Ollie to see his reaction

"Okay and?" Ollie asked, confused as to what Naomi had to do with them

"Naomi as in Theo's girl" Elijah reiterated, knowing Ollie could be a bit lost sometimes

"Naomi?... OH SHIT!" Ollie gasped

"She's back? Since when? Did you talk to her? What did you say? Is she dropping out?" Ollie rushed out

"Wait, but there's literally like a couple days left of term" Ollie rambled

"Exactly and I don't think she's staying all that long" Elijah admitted

"We need to tell Theo" Ollie stated

"Oh my god is it? I had no clue" Elijah expressed with the sarcasm dripping off every word, as he rolled his eyes

"Fuck sake Ollie, why do you think I sprinted back here after seeing her. I thought Theo was gonna be here so he could run up and talk to her real quick before we left but clearly not" Elijah explained

"Shit um" Ollie glanced at the time on his phone, they needed to leave.

"Get in the car Elijah, we gotta go"

The two of them got in the car and started to drive away from the city. They needed to get to Manchester. They were both in their heads about the situation. They knew Naomi was back but they didn't know whether to tell Theo or not. The both of them sat in silence, watching the road as they weighted up the pros and cons of revealing this information to their friend in their heads.

After twenty minutes of silence of the two of them debating what to say next Ollie had to just ask "so do we tell Theo that she's back or not?"

"Man, I don't even know, cause he's been stressing all term that she dropped out" Elijah sighed

"But it could throw him off of his game if he knows she's back cause all he'll be thinking about is that he needs to get to her ASAP and what he's going to say to her the moment he gets back, but he needs all his focus to be on this match. We all know he's capable of making it big time and this match will prove it. Well, if he doesn't get his head straight, then he'll fuck up his opportunity" Elijah ranted

"True, I say we tell him the moment the match is done" Ollie suggested

"What about the meetings with the scouts and coach?"

"Okay we tell him after all of that, like practically in the car on our way back to uni"

"Okay, but I don't know if I wanna get in this car with him" Elijah stated

"lol why?" Ollie snorted, glancing at Elijah for a second

"Cause we damn well know that boy is gonna be driving like a mad man to get back to his girl" Elijah laughed

"I can't even lie, you're right. I'll drive us back just to be precautious" Ollie smiled

"Alright but don't get pissy when he's shouting as a back seat driver to hurry the fuck up. We both know how he gets." Elijah added

"Yeah, man remember when he fucked up Seb. I didn't know if Seb was gonna come out alive after all of that" Ollie confessed

"Literally but I can't blame him. If it was Tiana or for you Aimee we both would of acted the same" Elijah put out there

"I know, I would never want that to happen to her, ever. At least we know he'll protect her. But deep it, they're not even together, imagine what they'll be like if they ever start dating" Ollie joked

"Don't even get me started on that drama filled relationship" Elijah chuckled

Ollie hummed in response, imagining the continuous arguing, makeup sex, and couple-ly shit that Theo would have to deal with in that relationship because it all reminded him of Aimee's favourite show.

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