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"Sooooo why did you exactly bring me here Seb?" Naomi drawled following behind the boy pushing an empty trolley around the supermarket.

"Well I did say I wanted to see you again when you came over to my flat to get your stuff, and I thought you'd say no to a date so Big Tescos trip was the second best idea" He admitted

Naomi titled her head at the boy who was now looking back at her. "So this is a date?" She implied

"If you want it to be..." he drawled

"I guess I'll give you my answer at the end of whatever this is" she smiled

The two strolled through the isles of the shop making conversation.

"I see you like wearing my jumper" he observed

"Who said this was your jumper, I could have an exact replica from another boy, Sebastian" she teased

"Wow Naomi I'm hurt... but has this other boy taken you on a maybe-date to Big Tescos?" He questioned, faking his hurt

"Nope" she replied popping the 'p'.

"Guess I'm in the lead then" he announced, sneaking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist and spinning her around, making her laugh.

Naomi didn't answer his question as he already knew the answer and instead cuddled up to the boy.

They reached the sweet and chocolate isle and Seb began to throw a bunch of his favourites in the trolley.
Naomi watched the boy pick out everything she liked. She hadn't even told him this information.

"Soooo Nomi are you going to the Halloween party in the courtyard on Saturday?" He asked

Naomi had completely forgotten it was Halloween this weekend. She'd heard from Drew that something was meant to be going on and she was supposed to getting her costume ready but work had her occupied.

"Most likely" She expressed

"What are you going as?" Seb asked as he turned to the crisps isle.

"You'll find out when you see me" she declared.

"That's no fun. Come on Nomi, tell me" he whined playfully

"Why do you want to know so bad Sebastian... it's as if you want to match with me" She teased

Without realising, Seb had backed her up against the crisp isle. "Now, don't be getting ideas into your head Nomi, I just wanted to know, but I guess we'll see each other on the night" He breathed out against her ear.

Naomi pulled the drawstrings on his hoodie to bring him closer. She looked at his lips. She wanted him.

She leaned forward to connect their lips.

Seb suddenly pulled away. Naomi looked at him in shock. "What the fuck Seb!" she whisper shouted

Seb laughed at the girl who was clearly hot and bothered from the moment they had almost shared. "You wouldn't tell me your costume so, no kisses for you, now pick a packet of crisps" He chuckled

Naomi was pissed. She thought they were going to kiss. He started it. He was the one who caged her in, against the crisp isle. She grabbed a packet of thai sweet chilli sensations and chucked them into the trolley.

He continued pushing the trolley to the self checkout tills, not bothering with Naomi as he knew she was probably in a strop cause of his previous actions. It was pay back for the car.

Seb bagged all of his items and payed. He made his way to the car, with Naomi wordlessly following behind him.

She refused to talk to him. She was annoyed. She didn't even wait for him to open her door, she climbed in herself.

As she buckled herself in, she moved her body so it was pressed up against the door. The furthest length away from Seb. If she wasn't allowed to kiss him then he wasn't allowed to touch her.

Clouding My Judgementजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें