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"-Yeah so that was Seb" Naomi finished explaining.

The girls looked at Naomi with smiles on their faces at the retelling of last nights events.

"Seb as in the host, well good on you!" Liv beamed

"Thanks guys but I still need to go back to the flat and get my hat and phone from his and I have no clue what to wear" Naomi explained

"Oh my gosh, the fashion student asking us for advice?!" Tiana mocked

"Ignore her, we'll help you" Eliza said

"Thanks Eliza-"Naomi begun as the two others faked sad faces.

"I need something which says, I just woke up and ran here to pick up my stuff but also last night was fun let's get to know each other" Naomi stated

The three laughed at their friend's statement but took no time in going to her wardrobe and agreeing on the simple outfit of a white strap crop top with no bra, white shorts, with a long grey cardigan and socks and sliders.

Naomi walked over to Seb's flat after she showered and changed into her outfit, wearing her natural 4b hair in a ponytail with two front pieces in her face as a fringe. Her face was natural with some concealer on old scars.

She rang the door bell, hugging herself at her the nervousness of her now sober state of seeing the boy she did what she did with last night.

As the door opened, Naomi looked up from her feet to find herself in front of Seb. He had a smirk on his face at the girl he couldn't get out of his head. He looked good. He clearly just had woken up. His curly hair was messy and he was just in a pair of red plaid pyjama bottoms. Showing off his chest.

"Hey" she smiled, feeling a little nervous when she came face to face with him for the friar time after last night

"Hey" he nodded to her, noticing her scanning his attire shamelessly,

"So Seb, I left my hat and phone here last night, can I go and get them please?" Naomi asked

"If you get to call me Seb, can I at least know your name?" Seb teased,

Naomi smiled at him. "I'll tell you when I get my stuff" she challenged back

"Maybe I don't want you to get your stuff just yet" He winked

Naomi playfully rolled her eyes at Seb flirting with her. She had gotten her answer of whether he wanted to see her again and she was happy.

"It's Naomi" she answered

"Naomi, Naomi, Naomi" he drawled

She shivered at the sound of her name coming from his lips. She liked it.

"Here's your phone, fully charged" Seb said handing Naomi the phone. His hand lingered on hers longer than needed, neither wanted to stop touching the other.

"Umm, what about my hat?" Naomi asked clearing her throat as their touch had her mouth dry.

"Well... you'll get that back when I get my jumper" He taunted

"Oh my gosh, I completely forgot about it, I can literally run and go grab it from my room now" Naomi rushed out.

"Hey hey hey, no need to rush, I was just kidding, you can keep it however long you want, it looked good on you last night" he responded.

At this point Naomi was playing with Seb's fingers unconsciously. He liked it. Gently he grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him. She looked up at his 6ft 1 frame confused at what he was doing. He bent down and lifted her chin, connecting their lips.

Seb broke the kiss with Naomi wanting more. He smiled at her eagerness.

"What was that for?" Naomi asked

"Me trying to get your guard down so you'll say yes to seeing me again" He hinted

Once again she playfully rolled her eyes, turned around and made her way to the lift.

Seb watched her walk away, his eyes looking at her ass. "So is that a no?" He shouted across to her

"No" she shouted back

"Well is that a yes" he yelled

"No" she repeated.

"What about your hat?" He questioned

"Keep it. You might see me again" she smiled

As the lift doors shut she sent him a wink. God that girl will be the death of me he thought with a smirk on his face.

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