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"You think I don't know you were trying to take my hand away from my mouth so I'd moan out loud" Naomi whispered, wiping her own makeup off.

"Maybe" Seb smirked

"Oh my god you were getting off on the fact that everyone could probably hear us weren't you? It turned you on even more!" Naomi connected

Seb didn't reply, instead pulling Naomi back into bed to cuddle with him. A smirk still on his face.

He kissed her neck, making his way up to her ear, "I told you I wanted everyone to hear you moan my name" he chuckled

Naomi playfully rolled her eyes and got comfy in an attempt to fall asleep.

She looked at her phone, she didn't know how long she'd been staring into space but Seb's light snores were an indication it had been a while. She couldn't sleep. She didn't know why. She tossed and turned and even cuddled into the boy next to her more but nothing worked.

Maybe it was cause there was a boy in her bed. In all her eighteen years, she'd never shared a bed. Even when she did stuff with a boy she never stayed the night, she always left or they left her.

Cautiously, she untangled herself from Seb's grip in an attempt to not wake him and began to put on some pyjamas. All her pjs were shorts with a small crop top so it didn't matter what she chose. She put on some socks and her sliders and grabbed Seb's hoodie which he gave the night they met.

She grabbed her phone and key card and crept out of the flat. She needed some air. She needed time to just breathe.

Naomi took the stairs down to the courtyard, hoping this would help her tire herself out for when she did go back to bed and didn't have as much energy and could fall asleep straight away.

She had made it out of her block and she immediately took in a deep breath. She needed this. She wondered over to one of the picnic benches and sat down.

She wasn't sat there for long as she felt the coldness creep up on her. She smiled at the memory of just across the courtyard, she was in a similar outfit and was given a coat as a kind gesture.

The memory made her think of Theo. The boy she could never seem to get on the rightside of. The boy she hated.

As she inwardly rolled her eyes at the thought of him, she looked around the courtyard and saw him. She actually saw him. He was there, sat at one of the picnic benches across the courtyard. She had a debate with herself of whether to go over.

She hadn't even decided on what she was doing when her body thought for itself and got up and was already stood infront of him before she knew it.

"Uhh... hi Theo" she smiled, unsure of what to say

Theo looked up at the girl infront of him. The girl he had to keep telling people he didn't like. In fact, he hated her. He couldn't understand why people thought he liked her. She wasn't even his type. She wasn't anything to him. She was annoying, snappy, rude and-.

"You okay?" Naomi asked as the boy hadn't even replied to her, he instead just stared at her. Not his usual stare, where his eyes lingered on her body a bit too long, which she noticed. This time he was different.

Theo didn't even realise he hadn't replied to her. He couldn't. It's as if the words were stuck in his throat. His mouth was dry. He needed her to leave. He needed her to go away.

"Theo, what's wrong?" Naomi asked, this time worried as he had yet to speak to her.

She had now spoken to him three times without a response. He realised she had no intention of leaving.

"Nothing" he muttered, quickly getting up and leaving the girl at the table. He walked towards their block, needing to get away.

Naomi's eyebrows furrowed at his sudden movements. She knew something was wrong and she wanted to know what. She may of hated Theo but that didn't mean that he didn't deserve to have someone to talk to when he was upset. Yes he had the boys, but boys rarely talk about feelings. And he had Charlotte, but he seemed more interested in fucking her than talking to her.

Naomi ran after him and into their block to get out of the cold. She saw him getting into the lift and quickly made it in before the doors closed. "Theo what's wrong, tell me" Naomi asked.

He didn't even acknowledge her, he had his head turned up, looking at the lift ceiling. The ceiling was a mirror, so he watched her stand on the other side of the lift, looking at him whilst he didn't even look at her.

Floor 1

She gave up. She had tried to be nice to him, but he clearly didn't care. "God, you're so rude, I try and be nice to you and you just shove it back in my face. How ungrateful can one be?" She huffed, folding her arms against her chest.

He raised his eyebrows at her statement. He couldn't believe she'd just called him rude. Yes he was ignoring her, but who said he wanted to talk about his problems with her. Her of all people. No thank you. He wanted to argue back. He wanted her take back what she had said, but he couldn't. He just couldn't. He was too tired. Mentally and physically.

He watched her, amusement evident on his face as she turned to the lift buttons and began to repeatedly press their floor, as if that would make the lift go faster.

"You know that's not gonna get you out of this lift away from me any quicker" he said in a gruff voice.

Floor 2

He spoke. He finally spoke to her, she thought. The vibrations from his voice alone sent goosebumps across her body. She shuddered. She opened her mouth to reply to him but quickly closed it again. It was her turn to ignore him. For him to have a taste of his own medicine.

She ignored his statement and continued to press the button repeatedly.

"Naomi stop it!" he ordered.

His voice bounced off of the four walls of the lift and shocked Naomi. She stopped pressing the button. Yes they had shouted at each other before but the way he had just raised his voice at her was different.

She hugged herself, turning to face the corner of the lift, not wanting to look at the boy in the lift.

Theo had watched Naomi jump at the sound of his voice. He didn't mean to sound like that. He was just about to apologise to her when the lift suddenly fell from under them.

Naomi screamed out in fear as she felt the lift jolt. He quickly grabbed ahold of her and shielded her head with his arms. She cuddled into his chest, shaking from fear at what had just happened.

Clouding My JudgementWhere stories live. Discover now