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Naomi thought for a moment. She knew not to dive into a personal question straight away as he'd refuse to answer. She also knew not to ask why he hated her and why they always had arguments as she already had her answer from when she had asked him in his room.

"What's your favourite flavour of crisps?" She asked

He turned to her with his eyebrows raised. "Really, that's one of your questions?" He laughed

"Just answer it" she responded

"Easy, Thai sweet chilli sensations. You would be dumb to choose anything else" He smirked

"Wow we actually agree on something for once" she exaggerated, faking a gasp.

He smiled at her reaction, noticing a different side to Naomi. One he'd never seen before. He wanted to see more of this side to her.

"Who's your favourite artist?" He asked

"That's a hard one, but to think off of the top of my head it would probably have to be Doja cat. Wait no, ChloexHalle, wait no, Jorja Smith, wait no, Ama Lou, wait no, Alina Baraz-" She burst out, trying to show appreciation to all her favourites

"You didn't need to name your whole playlist" he chuckled interrupting her

"It's hard okay! I didn't even get to mention The internet or GoldLink. Fine, my question to you is the same, who's your favourite?" She pondered

"Okay, I never said it wasn't a hard question but to be honest I'm probably gonna have to say 6Lack and Brent Faiyaz" he stated

"Oh my god how could I forget about those two, but of course you would like Brent" she chimed in

"What's that supposed to mean" he questioned

"Well Brent is toxic as fuck, and you strike me as one who follows in his footsteps, you know...'I got too many hoes, but they ain't you'. I bet your fav song is Rehab as well". She explained.

"Nah it's clouded actually" he smirked, watching her imitate Brent.

"My question to you is did you ever get in trouble back in secondary school?" He asked

"Yeah course" she replied

"Really didn't think you were the type" he hummed

"The type? What did you think I was some neek or something? I bet you were the typical popular boy who got away with everything cause the teachers loved him off " she implied

"You're not wrong" he laughed

"Why do you smoke weed?" She questioned

"What do you mean, it's fun?" He replied

"Yeah, but everyone has their reasons, you however are an odd one cause you play football and smoking would be a risk to your health so it's a shock. Many people do it in social settings but everyone has a reason, whether it's to help them to sleep or focus on work, there's a reason" she explained

He watched the concentration on her face as she tried to find the right words to explain what she was saying. He was surprised, no one had ever questioned his use for weed.

"I guess, cause it's an escape, you know from reality. Makes life bearable even if it's for a few hours" he revealed

Naomi nodded her head, understanding exactly how he felt. She had the same reasons. She always found people's reasons for smoking weed as an insight to who they truly were and she could see that Theo was hurting but didn't know exactly from what and if he did know from what, he didn't like to tell people.

Clouding My JudgementWhere stories live. Discover now