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Naomi was only seen in the kitchen to make food, walking to her lectures on campus, and in her room. Parties had basically stopped as everyone was knuckling down and trying to get their best grade for their module hand in. She was glad, it gave her time to keep to herself and not see Theo.

Naomi asked for Tiana, Liv and Eliza to start having their gossip sessions in her room. They didn't question why, as they liked her room and usually walked in at random times to just hang out anyway.

They brought up how they were getting on in their courses, what was going with on with their lives and the usual accommodation gossip.

According to Tiana and Eliza, Theo still brought girls round and when he didn't, he'd come back in the early morning wearing the same clothes from the night before claiming that he had gone to football practice. Naomi rolled her eyes, knowing that she was almost one of those girls.

She didn't dare tell them that she was almost one of them. She just couldn't. She was close to them, she even counted them as some of her best friends but she couldn't do that. It wasn't the judgement she was afraid of, it was that she felt stupid and she didn't want the pity.

As the girls continued to bond, someone knocked at Naomi's door. All the girls called for the individual to come in. It was Harriet. They rarely saw her, but she was still a nice girl. Well, sometimes. She very much had that cliquey, bitchy secondary school attitude still and the other girls didn't like that. They still included her to their brunch dates and study sessions but she always declined, going off with her other friends from other blocks.

"Hey, so my mate, Seb is having a party at his flat tonight and he's inviting you lot, as well as the guys, do you want to come?" Harriet asked.

"Yeah, course who doesn't love a party" Tiana smiled.

"Great, I'll snap the flat group chat his block and flat number, it starts in 2 hours" Harriet said as she walked away texting on her phone.

The girls looked at each other, with grins. Finally a party. Naomi was excited but also nervous, the only problem was, was that she was going to have to see him again.

They all ran to Naomi's wardrobe, shuffling through it. As a fashion student, Naomi apparently had the nicest clothes according to the girls so she let them borrow outfits when it came to parties.

Naomi wore a pink scarf top tied at the front, to make a bikini top style, with a black mini skirt, and a black bucket hat, with a black body wave wig and a full face of makeup. The girls were ready.

Bass boomed throughout the flat. The boys were all here and they were doing pres in Naomi's kitchen. They all exited her room and made their way to the kitchen.

That's when she saw Theo again. He was too busy on his phone to notice her. Naomi began to hyperventilate. He shouldn't be effecting her like this. She quickly ran back to her room to calm herself down.

Her phone began to ring. She was just about to decline it because she needed to focus on herself, when she saw it was Mya and Leilani, she smiled. She hadn't spoken to them in awhile.

Answering the joint call, she began to catch up with them. She didn't care about the pre drinks, she'd simply down a few shots as the group were leaving and hope the alcohol would hit her at the party. Someone knocked at the door, shouting over the music. "Naomi, are you okay?" They asked.

She couldn't tell who it was but she explained that she was on the phone and would come out when she was done or whenever the group was leaving for the party. The person simply said okay and left her to her call.

She remembered she could finally tell someone, her friends from home. She could get the weight off of her shoulders over the shitty situation with Theo. So she begun to tell the story of the night she got high with the boys.

"Bitcchhhhh, I don't know why you're worried and shit, just have sex with him, it'll be good and you know it. Since you two piss each other off so much, you can just have angry sex and then just dip and go into your room when you're done" Mya shouted.

Naomi pulled a face and just looked at her friend through the phone basically being the devil on her shoulder.

"Don't listen to her, yes sex with him sounds good, considering all these girls are after him but all you have to do is stunt on that boy. You don't want him, you're just a toy to him. So make sure he knows who he's messing with. I know Naomi back in Bristol would of already lipsed a new boy to show that the old one ain't shit" Leilani said.

Naomi knew her friends would focus on the sex part too much. She didn't even want to have sex with Theo. She didn't even like him. She was just trying to explain how awkward it was and how he tried to use her.

All she could do is laugh at the duo on Group FaceTime. Oh how she missed them. They'd definitely get along with her girls at uni. She heard another knock at the door, it was Drew saying that they're leaving soon. She said goodbye to her friends and unlocked her door.

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