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Naomi put her charger and phone on Theo's desk as she watched him grab a pillow and a blanket. Theo set the pillow and blanket on the floor for him to sleep on. He may not of been happy with Naomi, but he wasn't a dick and he certainly wasn't going to let her sleep on the floor.

"No no, please, I'll take the floor, I'm the idiot who left their keycard in their room" she stressed

"Naomi I'm not letting you sleep on the floor" He stated in a low voice, watching Naomi's lips part as she took a heavy breath

After a moment of trying to think of a suitable solution, Naomi finally said, "Fine, then share the bed with me. We're both adults." She suggested

Theo swallowed at the thought of sharing a bed with Naomi. He didn't know what to think. He hadn't shared a bed with a girl he hadn't slept with before. He didn't even know what him and Naomi were. They didn't hate each other, but he didn't know what they were. He didn't even have time to answer her before she was already climbing into his bed.

"You want to share a bed with me?" He asked, unsure if this was all really happening

"Yeah...I mean this is your bed and I'm not going to let you sleep on the floor because you want to be a gentleman, we'll share, it's fine" she smiled, getting comfy as Theo stood across from her, swallowing harshly as he realised that he was going to be sharing a bed with her for starters, and that he couldn't touch her because that would be wrong and he needed to calm down especially considering her outfit as he watched her breasts bounce with the way she tossed and turned to get comfortable in bed

Stop looking at her like that, she's not yours.

This could go very badly, I need her to keep me away

"These are clean sheets right, like you haven't fucked some girl here and I'm lying in your cum?" She asked

"No I haven't. But you're one to talk" he muttered, stirring the pot

Anything to stop anything happening.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she raised her eyebrows

Was he really picking a fight out of nowhere?!

"You're the one who was practically getting fingered at the table today during Christmas dinner" he replied

His heart was racing with what he was saying, he knew it was wrong and out of context as he'd watched the screen infront of him - but he needed to say it.

He needed to start an argument

Naomi's jaw fell open. She didn't know he had noticed what seb was doing to her under the table. Was that why he was glaring at her? She couldn't believe the double standards coming from him.

"Double standard much? Or do I have to mention, how you fucked a girl on the kitchen counter?" She exclaimed

"Yeah, in my own flat. When no one was home. It wasn't my fault you walked in" he argued

"But the thing is, you didn't stop. You just kept going, and wouldn't look away from me" She countered

"What did you want me to do Naomi? Pull my dick out of her and wait for you to leave?" He challenged

"Well, no but-"

"But nothing, you need to stop acting all innocent and playing victim all the time" He admitted

"I never said I was innocent. I'm a grown woman, I can do what I want" she argued

"Grown, really? That's your comeback. I have to laugh Naomi. You're eighteen years old, letting your 'whatever' finger you at dinner. You sit there like you're so perfect but really you're not. I saw the way you hesitated to let him put that necklace on you. I can see that you give him your body because you can't give him your heart-" He spoke

"Don't" she warned

"Don't what? Tell you about yourself to your face" He argued

She sat there in silence listening to him rip her to shreds about how she uses her body instead of talking about her feelings. About how she was using Seb's dick for comfort as she couldn't face being alone. About how she probably did it with every boy. How she changes herself around everyone. She was embarrassed. She was upset. She didn't think he could say anything else to hurt her.

"That's probably why you don't even wear your natural hair anymore. You switch your hair like you switch your personality. You don't want anyone to know the real you. Just like with your ex, you let him take it so far just to see how much you'd change for him cause you can't stand up for yourself when it comes to something personal about yourself. That's why he broke you." Theo hissed,

Naomi's heart sunk with every word. Her chest felt tight. Her lip trembled. A tear threatened to fall down her cheek.

As soon as the words left his mouth he hated himself. He saw a single tear fall down her face, before she quickly wiped it away. He was no different from her ex. He had hurt her too. He hated himself for it.

That was too far.

"Naomi I'm so-"

"DON'T!" She snapped, moving one of Theo's pillows to the middle of the bed.

He wordlessly watched her. Regret etched across his face.

"Naomi, I-"

"I said don't" she spoke

"This is my side, that's yours. Stick to your side. Goodnight" she croaked out, turning to face away from him.

He felt guilty. He wanted nothing more than to just hug her and plead for her to forgive him but he knew he couldn't. He had said what he had said. It was done. She didn't want his apologies and she didn't want him near her. There was literally a pillow divider which she had made to make it pretty clear.

He stood there for a moment, frozen. Basking in the pain he had just caused to the girl in his bed. He was pissed at her for everything with Seb. How she agreed to be friends with benefits with him infront of him, when it was clear there was something between the two of them. He couldn't understand why he had said what he had. Yes, he wanted to hurt her but he took it too far. He knew that and he couldn't take it back.

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