11 (mature)

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Naomi followed the boys lead. He held her hand as he guided her to the bedrooms which connected to the kitchen. He unlocked the door furthest from the kitchen and led her inside.

"Wait?" She paused, confused by the obvious but she had to ask, "You live here?" She looked at him completely and utterly puzzled by this discovery.

The boy began to laugh as he winked at her, letting her admire his room decoration "Yeah, it's my party" he answered.

"So you're the infamous Seb" she commented, finally getting a better view of him

"Well... it's Sebastian, only my friends call me 'Seb', really. And I wouldn't say infamous, it depends what 'they' say about me" he countered, playfully wondering who this girl was

Naomi played along as she pouted. "Awww am I not classed as one of your friends? Seb... oops I mean Sebastian" She mocked, holding her heart in fake hurt as she watched him let a smile adorn his lips at her

"That would require me to get to know you for us to be friends... I don't even know your name" he responded, walking towards the girl stood in the middle of his room.

Naomi backed up with every step he took towards her. Her back hit what she assumed was his bedroom door. He put his arm above her head, leaning down to look directly into her eyes.

"Or do you want to be more than friends tonight?" He questioned, kissing her neck as he had done on the dance floor.

All Naomi knew was that she wanted him. Her eyes fluttered closed with every kiss, getting closer to her lips. His lips found hers in the darkness of the room, with the only source of light coming from his red LED lights.

She moaned into the kiss, his tongue dominating hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He began to trace his hands down her body, feeling every curve of hers. His hands stopped under her ass, pulling her up to wrap her legs around him.

Naomi wrapped her legs around Sebastian as they had yet to break apart from the kiss. Her hands roamed through his hair as the boy grinded his dick where she needed him most. Her skirt was nonexistent at this point, it had ridden up, showing off her lacy underwear.

She moaned into the kiss as he didn't stop moving against her, the friction making her wetter.

She wanted him to do something.

She needed him to do something.

He heard how he made her whimper for more. He wanted to make her beg. He began to carry her to his bed. Giving her ass a smack, he chucked her onto his bed.

Naomi looked up at the boy before her, seeing his manhood straining against his jeans. She crawled forward, licking her lips at the sight. She tugged at the zip on his jeans and pulled them down, along with his boxers.

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