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Suddenly, Naomi was swept off her feet and spun around. She screamed at the action, out of joy but also fear at the sudden act.

She was eventually put down by the mystery person and she turned to look at them. It was Seb. He had his hair slicked back, with a single curl framing his face, falling on his forehead. His mouth and jawline were painted with a skeleton outline. He wore a white dress shirt, slightly unbuttoned, showing off a gold chain. His shirt was tucked into black jeans, followed by white and black Jordan 1s. He looked good.

Naomi licked her lips at the sight of him. He grabbed her hips, pulling her closer for a kiss. Naomi quickly pushed her hand in his face giggling.

"I thought we agreed we ended the game Nomi" he complained

"No, we did. It's just that I don't want to ruin your skeleton makeup" she replied

"Don't worry about that" he responded, crashing his lips into hers before she could stop him. She melted into the kiss. She'd missed him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, playing with his curls which weren't gelled.

"Ugh get a room" Charlie shouted over the music.

His comment made the couple break their kiss and put their middle fingers up at him. Naomi looked back at Seb's face worried that she had messed up his costume.

Surprisingly, everything was still exactly the same. "Soooo who did all of this then?" Naomi asked, gesturing to his skeleton makeup.

"Don't worry Nomi, my flatmate Kieran does art as his course and he did this, no girls touched me... if that's what you're afraid of" he answered

Naomi hummed in response.

"Jealous one aren't you?" He teased

Naomi rolled her eyes and turned around, still in his embrace and began to introduce him to everyone in their circle. She didn't know how long she was distracted by Seb for but Cap, Morgan, Jack and Daniel had joined their circle at some point.

As she went round telling Seb everyone's names she got to the last person, Theo. She looked at him for the first time that night since seeing him in his costume the first time. Anger was etched on his face.

She looked further down him and realised he was dancing with someone. It was her, that girl she saw him literally fucking on the kitchen counter. What was her name again? Courtney? No. Cassie? No. Charlotte! That was it. She was confused as to why the couple was giving her such weird looks.

Theo looked like he was angry with Naomi, when she had no clue what she had done. And Charlotte looked pissed off at Naomi, as if she had done something so unforgivable to her.

Naomi quickly told Seb their names and moved away from their eyesight. She didn't need their bad vibes.

"You're matching with her?!" Charlotte screeched

Theo's eyes left Naomi and back to Charlotte. He sighed knowing she wouldn't let this go.

"I'm not matching with 'her'. Her name is Naomi by the way. She happened to be a police woman and Ollie gave me the jumpsuit after football training... if you must know" Theo sighed

"That still doesn't explain why you were staring at her. I-it's as if you lik-" Charlotte started, before Theo crashed his lips into hers stopping her before she finished her sentence. He couldn't hear her say it. He couldn't hear her believe that he liked Naomi. Her out of all the girls.

He could never. Naomi was merely a girl he enjoyed pissing off. Nothing more. Yes, there was that one time he wanted to kiss her but it was just the weed talking. Right?

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