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[Warning: Mention of violence, knives, and blood ahead. Please be aware ]

"Your hair smell like sweat"

"Then why don't you stop smelling it?"

"But, it's right in front of my nose"

"Then fucking let go of me"

"Hehe. No can do" Silver rolled his eyes and put his hands down with a sigh, facing defeat again after his millionth attempt. He was stuck in between Arion's legs who had his back stick to the tree and hands on either side of Silver's slim waist bringing him closer. He had his chin settled on Silver's shoulder, blowing air occasionally to his sweated neck but never letting him go, at least not anytime soon. "Plus I like the way it smells" Arion added with a proud grin. 

"You are gross" Silver shivers. It was boiling in California. The weather had got so handsy in the woods with thunderous rain a day and then the sun slow dancing in the sky on the other day. It becomes utterly impossible to breathe when a stupid hot-blooded wolf refuses to let you go.

"You know, Silver?" Arion started making the other wolf groan internally. They have been doing this "you know, Silver" loop for an hour now.

"No, I don't and I don't even want to know" he states trying his best to remove the dominant beta's arms but couldn't.

"Then you should certainly need to know this. 'Cause if you don't then this question will keep striking you in the middle of the night which will make you unable to sleep. Then you will keep rolling to your sides trying to doze off but couldn't. Then you will have to switch on your lights, find your phone and call me to ask what was I going to say at the moment but you didn't let me. Then I will have to turn my lights, put my sleep aside and tell you what I am supposed to tell you now. So, I should explain it right now to save yours and my precious sleep from getting ruined" Arion finishes with a grin and without a huff of breath even though he said all that bullshit in one breath. Silver just blinks at the man with disgust and more.

"You should tell what you eat for breakfast because it makes some fabulous reaction in your stomach which indeed makes it impossible for you to SHUT UP" the recessive wolf sighs.

"Oh, I had eggs with maple syrup and bacon with some salted peanut butter. It was heaven" Arion proudly states recalling the wonderful breakfast he had. 

"That should be a crime!" the other wolf almost threw up at the thought of the neutral taste of eggs mixed with the sweetness of maple syrup and he didn't even want to talk about the other combination. "Anyways, what do you want me to know?" At this point, Silver didn't even expect anything sensible from his mate.

"See, I knew you would be curious" Arion chimes with glittery happiness which Silver replies with a "whatever". "And..... I forgot what I wanted you to know" a stupid grin still plastered on his face making Silver furious. He glared, turning in the beta's hold, with his face burning red.

"I will kill you" he chokes on the beta's neck which only results in Arion breaking down in fits of laughter. The hold was anything but tight, more like tickling him. Watching Arion laugh carelessly a nostalgic smile pulls on Silver's lips before he starts chuckling and then laughing with the same tempo as his mate.

Few seconds into the laughing ocean, Arion stops just to look at his beautiful mate giggle in his arms. His body burns with the desire to kiss those lips but he hated that intention because it would gulp down his mate's laugh. Which was too precious to stop. Resting his head back on the bark, not moving a single muscle, and without blinking an eye he watches as Silver's expressions change. He drags him back to the days when these things were absolutely familiar for the pair.

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