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His hands trembled, his body felt numb, the eyes were losing focus, so did his legs. Blake was set in an iron chair with his hands and legs locked in.

"You guys thought you can deceive me? This easily?" the rogue laughs out loud, throwing his head back and shaking his head with pride. "So dumb"

His eyelids shake before his pupil expand to cover the whole scene before him. His heart skips a beat when the first thing he sees is blood on the verge of his toes, he follows the flow with his heart beating against his chest very hard.

The shattering sound of his soul was heard loud and clear when he spots his twin laid on the ground moment less while blood seeping from around his body, as the warlock stayed eyes closed.

"SAMAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!" The scream breaks down the courage of any person standing before in the room and the growl that followed after was painful and hard, it shook the walls of the delusional house.

It was the growl of an angered and raged alpha wolf.

It was the first time ever Blake has called his twin by his entire name.

Or was it the last time?


2 hours ago

"Who was right here, who was not?
Who was the bad one, who was top-notch?...."

"Now that's bad manners, Blake" the warlock snatches away the book from his twin's hand.

"You do poetry?" the alpha perks up and gets on his knees, all excited.

"Blake..." Samael warns.

"Ugh! Fine" he eyes the diary as the warlock puts it away on one of the shelves.

"He will be here in seconds... You know what to do, right?" The younger alpha nods in answer, Samael flick his fingers and the door of the room throws open.

"I see you are awake, my son" Christian walks through.

"Fucking let me go!" Blake struggles against the chains that are tied him down to the bed frame.

"I am impressed that you still have the strength to fight. Even after Samael's powerful spells" he eyed the warlock who had his face cover in the black gown kind. Blake gulped and cursed himself that he spoke without thinking he should have stammered a little.

"Don't underestimate an alpha" his eyes glow and that triggers the rogue a bit.

"Right! My bad, Mr. Alpha Or....." he turns to his so-called "son".


"Yes, father?" the warlock answered with confidence. If he is going to act, he would do it properly.

"Are you guys playing me?" he asks away.

The questions halt everything for a second. The twins' breath, their heartbeats, the blood pumping through their veins...everything. The rogue tilted his head waiting for an answer and then a peal of high-pitched laughter gets heard in the room.

"I was joking, Samael" he pats the boy on the back. The warlock still is in a state of numbness as he just nods to his father's joke. "Or was I?" his voice turns serious in a go.

"You are a psychopath" Blake slurs at the rogue. The older man just smirks towards his nephew and takes a step to his bed.

"Oh hon, that I am" he sleeks his finger upon the boy's long neck. "And this here looks really delicious to this psychopath" his nail cuts through the skin of the alpha, drawing out fresh blood.

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