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"No, Blake. You make the batter then add choco chips then scoops them up and put them on the Parchment paper, then put them in a preheated oven for about 8-10 min. Simple" Easton explains and his mate replied with blank blinking, his favorite habit.

"You call this simple? And what did you say? Paracha- what?" the younger alpha replies. The couple was making some choco-chip cookies and it was also Blake's cooking class or baking class for today.

"Parchment paper, baby" he walks to the cabinet on the right and takes out a roll of the paper. "This" he shows it.

"It's baking paper, you dumbass" Blake glares and hits Easton with the roll hiding his blush from the word "baby". He was still not used to it.

"Right, my bad" the older alpha chuckles and lets it go.

"Of course" Blake tries to hide his little smile 'cause he knew his mate was taking the blame for him. It made him giddy how things have changed in a month. Here he was making cookies with the love of his life. Insane.

"I see, another henpecked in Knight family. Keep your father's name high" Tib compliments walking into the kitchen and picking some raw peas to munch of them.

[a/n: "Henpecked" means someone who does everything his wife says. Whipped]

"What makes you think that I am the wife, Sir Tib?" Blake complains while Tib tilts his head to the side with wide eyes. He looks at Easton who was nervously biting his lips, in deep thought.

"I'm sure you are planning insurance for your ass, aren't you?"

Tib comments through their link making the older alpha glare at him. The half-vampire laughs loudly which makes Blake's brows knit. "I just know, kiddo" he ruffles the alpha's hair making him whine. "Let me tell you..." he closes into Blake's ear and whispers. "it feels amazing to be a "wife", once in a while" he winks.

Blake couldn't understand a single word and just looks at Easton who was panicking. "Co-Cookies" the older alpha distracts Blake and drags him away from the sensitive topic. He can barely imagine himself on the bottom but knowing Blake, he will put up a fight for it. And he wasn't ready for that.

The pair continues making the cookies while Tib settles his seat in a corner of the room. He was just waiting for the delicious cookies to come out, so he could devour them before anyone can.

"By the way, where are your parents?" the half-vampire questions.

"Ah, they went out for some shopping. Going alone for mom would be dangerous so, I sent father along" Blake explains.


"Dangerous than she already is? I pity Chris"


"I don't understand why are going in the same loop for twenty minutes now" Chris sighs watching Cora walking ahead of him with her heels making hot sounds.

"Because I am looking for something. Duh, Christopher" the witch manages with her eyes searching the whole supermarket which wasn't even that crowded. Christopher felt a little tingle in his stomach feeling nostalgic but he controlled himself because this wasn't his mate. The woman he loved. No.

"Stop" he walks in front of the lady and stops her from walking any further. "There are signboards up there, look" he points which doesn't make the woman look. Instead, she stares at him with a blank expression.

"Christopher, you think I'm blind?" with a tight smile. "No, I'm not. I know there are boards but those small little things can get manipulated and shifted somewhere else because I did look for them and they are not in their place"

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