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Aziel's front legs screeched on the water ground, raising the muddy dirt. He shakes off the water that coated his midnight black fur. It was raining very heavily in the woods and the wolf didn't want to stop as much as he hated rain or water.

He has been in the forest with the vampire for more than one hour now but not one trace of Blake was found. He did everything in his sense from using his nose all over the woods to using Tib's warlock spells to track the alpha.

The wolf felt the yearning to set fire upon the whole jungle and then stand on his ashes to find the clear whereabouts of his mate. His mind was lost and would not step down killing anyone who gets in the way. And that scared Tib.

The half-vampire was terrified to watch his friend turning into the ruthless wolf he was.

Aziel gets on the nearest high rock cry out in misery in a very loud way. The howl echoed the woodlands and bounced on the barks of the hard trees shaking the leaves of the tall greens. If only they weren't miles away from the pack, everyone would have got here bowing their heads to the terror of the black wolf.

Tiberius held his ground to the energy of anger and frustration surrounding him. It was taking everything in him to control his inside vampire to throw fully out upon the possible danger.

An angered werewolf was standing in front of him who would never in a sane mind hurt the vampire but now? That is why his vampire self sensed him as a danger. Tib closed his eyes and took a deep puff of breath before he prepared himself mentally to face the wolf.



The wolf grumbled at his friend which made Tib step back immediately. Aziel turned his way to Tib, his eyes glowing darker shades of the usual amber, his canines were sharp and long dripping with slobber while his nose flared.

He is losing it.

There have been times when a pair of mates were separated right after their "mating", without a prior understanding which led to one of them turning crazy just to track the other down while the other had no conception of the distance.

"Aziel, wait listen to me" Tib tried talking to the wolf but everything was going above his head. The vampire was turning pale from his usual dusk color, his eyes started shading from the beautiful purple tone to reddish. His fangs fell in front while he held a hand on his mouth, hiding them.

The emptiness from his mate started getting on Aziel's head involving the perks of the "full-moon" nearing, while Tib struggled with his vampire instinct.

The wolf attacked Tib lifting his front limbs and landing on his vampire's chest. Tib held his hand in front of his face and neck which were the primary areas for a wolf to attack.

Tib had his vampire woken up entirely with no trace of the warlock Tiberius. That vampire had only his body strength and few more abilities but no magic.

He shoved Aziel but not before the wolf grazed his canines on the vampire. The wolf fell far hitting hard to a tree and knock over into the bush behind. Tiberius moved in an inhuman strength and hid behind the huge bark of a tall tree. He needed to think this out before he attacks the wolf succumbing to his instinct.

"Stop, Bruyne" he scolded himself closing his bloodshot orbs and trying to bring back his usual neutral self. "He is still the little Easton, Bruyne" he recalls the little silent boy who he met in high school.

The big hooded glasses were only to hide his flaring eyes, full of insecurities and anxiety. When the glasses went off a ruthless, feared, and prideful Easton was found.

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