chapter 31- part 2

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Hey guys!!

A quick note- this chapter contains physical abuse!!

If you are not a fan of it, then pls skip this part.

Thank you...

Sanyukta's pov...

"Bye!! Don't forget to click the pics!!"

"We wont bye"

They all left shutting the door behind them.

Since l didn't have any work to do, l put some pressure on my mind and finally decided to go through Netflix.

What a decision!!
But l am proud of it!!

Watching FRIENDS and that too alone, is really boring. So l decided to bring something from the kitchen. But as soon as l tried to get up, a piercing pain shot through my foot and l plopped back on the couch. I was about to try to stand up again, when the door of the farmhouse opened.

Expecting it to be my group, l didn't look up to see who is it. And that's the biggest mistake l had done.

"Guys, how come you all came early??"

On not getting any answer, l looked up only to get shocked.

There stood THE NISHANT SAXENA in all his glory leaning against the doorframe.

I asked glaring at him,"What are you doing here??"

He smirked,"I am here to meet you gorgeous"

"Don't call me gorgeous!!"

"Ok love"

"Shut up!! Just tell me why are you here!!"

"I told you love...l am here to meet you"

"Stop calling me love and how did you know l am here??"

"I know everything about you baby", he said coming towards me. I tried to stand up but couldn't. Stupid leg!!

"Do-nt co-me ne-ar me!!"

"Why baby??"

"Ju-st go aw-ay Nis-ha-nt"

He pushed me back so that my head is on the arm rest. He leaned in towards me causing me to shut my eyes.

"No way love, l won't go anywhere leaving you", he whispered in my ear.

I tried to push him back but he held both of my hands and pinned them above my head.

"Don't!! Don't try to puch me otherwise the consequences won't be good!!"

Not paying heed to his words, l still tried to remove my hands from his hold only to get it more tightened. I was then about to hit his family jewels but he had already anticipated my move.

"I told you not to act smart, didn't l?? Now you will suffer the consequences!!"

He started kissing me on the neck moving to the collar bone. I was feeling really disgusted but couldn't do anything. I was constantly trying to remove my hands from his vice like grip but was not getting succeeded at all. Tears welled up in my eyes and l wanted it to be only a dream.

He was going to remove my top, when l finally got some power and pushed him on the floor.

"How dare you touch me asshole?? Go away and don't come near me again!!"

He stood up and held my hairs tightly and pulled them resulting in me crying in pain.

"You bitch!! How dare you push me huh?? Now you have to suffer more severe consequences than this!!"

"No!! Leave me please!!"

"Listen you bitch!! Don't you dare speak anything about this to your friends otherwise your beloved Randhir will be killed. Understood??"

I nodded my head frantically. He left my hairs and l leaned my head on the headrest with a thud. I don't know when he left the place but when l opened my eyes, it was really silent.

I didn't want to be alone here so l wanted to call my friends and ask them to come back but after the warning that Nikhil gave me, l was really scared.

I somehow got up from the couch and made my way to the kitchen. I drank some water to calm my nerves and then went to my room. I shut the window and got into the bed.

I wanted to call everyone back immediately but didn't want to get them worried. I knew if they get to know what Nishant did then they won't leave him and will definitely end up doing something real bad.

Keeping the thought of calling them aside, I tried to sleep but whenever l was closing my eyes, the images of him touching me kept coming in my mind.

Thus to remove his touches from me, l decided to take a warm bath. It took me 20-25 minutes to scrub all his nasty touches from my body. I just wanted to lay there in the tub but knew that l'll fall ill if l stay in the water for a long time.

I got out of the bathroom, wore my nightsuit and got under the covers.

I don't know when l dozed off but l was happy for it...


A shaking chapter, isn't it??

I had a tough time writing this one...

Stay tuned for the next chapter...


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