chapter 24

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Hello people, l wanna know something...

why am l getting majority of silent readers??

Aren't you liking my story??

Pls tell me genuinely.

As for this chapter, hope you will like...

Sanyukta's pov...

Tring Tring Tring...

I took my hand out from the duvet and frantically searched for the device that was causing this irritating sound.

What a way to wake up someone...

When l finally found it, l quickly shut it off.

No it wasn't the ringtone of my phone but it was the alarm which broke my beautiful slumber.

I opened my eyes and got out of my comfy bed. Walking over to the window, l opened the curtains and my room welcomed the winter sun's warmth.

This is my favorite time of the year when l am blessed with both winter breeze and warmth of the sun.

I then went into the balcony and leaned onto to the railings. While l was admiring the view, yesterday's events came rushing back to me.

How we both went to our usual hiding place, how we discussed and sorted things out, how all the misunderstandings got cleared yesterday and most importantly how l gave him chance to earn me back.

Earlier l was not going to forgive him but the sincerity with which he told me his point of view and asked for a last chance melted my heart.

After all he was my best friend...

Liar liar pants on fire...

Ok ok, l admit...l did have a crush on him from childhood but l thought it got crushed away the moment he accused me of that.

But l was wrong. Though l was really hurt by his words but l do like him in some corner of my heart even now.

And he doesn't need to know this secret...


I hope you would have liked this extreme short chapter...

My school has announced surprised revision test which is starting tomorrow and will last till 12th November. Wish me good luck...

As l said earlier, pls give me your genuine opinions about my story.


Also, thank you to Shalu_highonbooks who has started following me.

Till then,
Byee 👋👋

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