chapter 31- part 1

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Hello people...

How are you all huh??

I know am late in posting the next chapter but l was extremely occupied with school.

Anyways, l am up with another chapter...

Here you go...

Happy reading🙂

Randhir's pov...

Waking up beside a beautiful soul is amazing right!! surely is!!!

Now you must have already guessed who am l talking about right??

That's correct...I am talking about my princess aka Sanyukta.

Now I'll tell you all how we both end up sleeping together.

No no!! Stop thinking dirty!! We didn't do anything of that type. Hell! I don't even know when l dozed off.

Getting confused?? Let's take you to flashback...

So what happened is...

After having a beautiful night, we all were exhausted. Since Sanyukta had also run for her life, she was beyond tired and was not able to even walk. So being a gentleman, l offered to carry her to which she gladly obliged to my surprise.

I picked her up in bridal style and took her to her room. While coming up, she almost dozed off. When l was just about to exit her room, l heard her saying something.

And do you know what she said??

She said 'stay'. I tried to deny but in vain. Even in sleep she was being stubborn.

So l stayed back but decided to leave when she sleeps properly. But to my dismay, l don't know when l dozed off. And the next l woke up is now that is in morning.

Let me tell you a secret. She looks damn cute while sleeping. I bent towards her and removed a strand of her hair which was on her face. While doing so, l noticed a smile on her face.

Maybe she is thinking of me...who knows!!

I smiled at my own thoughts and moved out of her room to go to mine. I did my morning chores and decided to go to the backyard for some time till everyone are asleep. I didn't drink much so l was sober and thus woke up early.

I moved towards the kitchen for preparing coffee but the scene there made me stop in my track.

Parth and Navya were making out in the middle of the kitchen having no awareness of their surroundings.

I cleared my throat to bring them out of their sweet moment. Both of their heads snap towards me and smirked towards them. Navya's face was red as a tomato and she rushed out of the kitchen feeling embarrassed.

I went in front of Parth and raised an eyebrow asking for explanation.

"Um uh"

"No Um uh. Tell me what the hell just happened!!"

He scratched the back of his neck and smiled awkwardly.

"Go to the living room and wait there. You have 5 mins to clam down your heart which l know is beating at a very fast pace. I'll join you once l make coffee for both of us. Phir nahi bach payega tu!!"


I shook my head towards him and started making coffee for both of us. I am genuinely happy for both of them because they have feelings for each other from quite a long time. They would have confessed their feelings earlier if me and Sanyukta had not broken our ties. But nevertheless, l am happy they confessed. I just hope that Parth have asked her to be his girlfriend...if not then I'll kill him with my bare hands.

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