Chapter 7

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l turned to Navya," Come to my room, l need to talk to you" l started moving into my house without waiting for her answer

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l turned to Navya," Come to my room, l need to talk to you" l started moving into my house without waiting for her answer.

After reaching my room, l sat on one of the chairs and motioned her to sit on the bed.

I asked her straight to the point," you knew he was back right??"


"By the way you are stuttering, l am sure you knew this"

"Why didn't you tell me Navya??" l asked her sweetly.

"Am sorry Sanyu...l couldn't!! I didn't know how would you react!!!" She replied hugging me tightly

I hugged her back and said, "lts okay!! What are best friends for?? To make others happy right??"


"But l didn't understand one thing!!"


"How did you know he was back and was joining this college??"

"Thats something for me to know and you to find out!!"



"Ok now we have to decide how will l face him and how will l clear all the misunderstandings" l said seriously

She assured me and said,"don't worry sanyu, l'll help you"

"Thanks Navu"

"Mention not!!" And with this we burst out laughing.

At the same time, bhai entered the room.

"Why are you girls laughing like lunatics??" Bhai asked while entering my room.

"Na nothing!! Just girls talk"

"Ok, come downstairs and have dinner"

"Ok bhai!!" I and Navu said at the same time.

We all moved downstairs and had dinner with little chitchat which was basically about our day in college. We always try to ask about his love life but he always diverts the topic.

Don't know why...

After bidding Navyu, me and bhai settled in his room for our bedtime talks.

Yep!! Bedtime talks!!

Me and bhai have this habit of talking to each other daily before going to bed. That is because most of the time, we both are alone in the house. That's why we both are so close to each other and he knows every secret of mine.

"Cheeku!!!" Bhai shouted suddenly startling me

"What?? Do you want to give me a heart attack at this young age?? Why are you shouting??"

"I want to tell you something!!" He said excitedly

"And may l ask what is it??"

"Yeah you can!!" He answered getting pillow on his face in return.

"Tell na!!!"

"Ok ok!! Listen tomorrow l have been invited for an award show for the youngest businessman of the year" he said proudly.

"That's great bhai!! I am really proud of you. But whome are u taking as your date??" I asked wiggling my brows

"Ah don't you worry about it. You will get to know that tomorrow" he answered waving his hands

"Please bhai tell your one and only little adorable sister right??" I pleaded him making the best puppy face which l can make.

"Ok then listen... I am taking Kavya as my date tomorrow" he said smiling.

Did l forget to tell that Kavya Mittal is my brother's childhood best friend. They were like inseparable. Also according to me and my parents, they are already in love but have not realised yet. I hope they realise before it gets late.

"That's great bhai!! What a choice!!"

"She is the best choice. I can't trust any other chick whome at such a prestigious ceremony. And also l have taken Kavya to many ceremont like this. She is just like a good luck for me" he said these words with glitter in his eyes.

"As u wish bhai. Anyways l am going to sleep. Goodnight!!"

"Goodnight cheeku" he said and kissed my forehead once.

Stay tuned for more chapters....

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