Chapter III

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Chapter III
°•. 🐎 .•°
Apples And Dogs

"Did Evangeline like sports?" Bella asked.

"No, she was into other things," I smiled. "Not a lot of time for sports when your Major in the army," I laughed.

"What was she into?" Rosalie asked.

"She liked dogs, and apples," I laughed.

"Further explanation please," Alice giggled.


I pushed through the brush, heading towards a place I would ammediately be killed on sight at. The union camp. I pushed through the last layer separating me and my love. I saw a group of union soldiers crowded around a soldier, Evangeline nowhere in cite. I watched the soldier bounce an apple from toe to toe then to his knees. He then kicked it up and spun, slicing through the apple with his sword. All the other soldiers cheered and the soldier laughed. I recognized that laugh? Yelling sounded and all the soldiers started yelling at each other and ran off, leaving the apple soldier alone under the apple tree.

"That must be Evan," a voice next to me whispered. I yelped and turned, seeing my best friend standing next to me.

"Grant!" I whispered yelled.

"Thats their major, whats your relation with him," Grant asked

"Shut up!" I exclaimed. Suddenly the soldier spun around with a dog's leash tied to his- no, her belt. "Evangeline," I smiled, love lacing my tone. The dog suddenly turned and started barking at us, Evangeline looked around, confused, before she saw me and a smile cracked her face. She ran towards us, the dog looking poised for attack.

"Evangeline?" Grant questioned.

"Jasper!" She laughed. She stopped short a few feet from me, seeing Grant hiding next to me. "W-Whos that?" She asked.

"Thats someone who wasn't supposed to come along," I spat. I saw Evangeline's hand floating over her sword and I grabbed her hand in mine. "He's a friend," I smiled.

"Jasper, what's going on here!" Grant said.

"Evangeline, this is Grant, Grant, this is the girl I love," I smiled.

"So over dramatic," Evangeline rolled her eyes. Her hand left her sword and she reached her hand out for Grant to shake. He took it hesitantly and shook it lightly, a small quirk of his eyebrows told me he was confused.

"I thought you hated their major, didn't he, I mean she, cut you?" Grant asked.

"She did cut me but, not like you think," I giggled.

"He gave me this," Evangeline laughed. She traced a hand across her jawbone, where a cut lay. I cringed, feeling the pain it must of dealt her.

"Still hate that I did that to you," I sighed.

"Oh suck up your pride cowboy," Evangeline laughed.

"Hey, its not pride," I muttered stubbornly.

"Yeah it is," Grant giggled. He slapped the back of my head, his fingers making my hair fly up all around before I grabbed him and messed up his. Evangeline watched with a giggle, her dog sitting with its head cooked to the side.

"Now whos the dog," I asked.

"This is Circi, she finds Confederate shoulders based I on their scent so that we know where hidden camps are," Evangeline said.

"What do we smell like, I thought we smelled just like you," Grant asked.

"You do mostly, but you also smell like," she trailed off, looking at me as if for permission. I laughed and nodded my head and she pressed her nose to the shoulder of my uniform, inhaling deeply. "Woodsmoke, and fire, you smell like, dust, and hard labor. You smell like, willow trees and swamps. You smell like south," Evangeline smiled.

"Oh no, thats just Jasper," Grant joked. I punched him in the arm and he fliched and backed away with his hands raised.

"Well Grant smells like sweat and body odor so that dog must chase after him like a bullet," I smirked.

"Hey," Grant said, grabbing his chest in fake hurt.

"Oh whatever," Evangeline rolled her eyes. I laughed and tucked some of her hair behind her ear. Grant coughed and slunk into the shadows. Evangeline leaned into my touch and rested her head against my hand. Circi barked and curled up over my leg. My forehead met hers and my eyes closed. She hummed happily at the small display of affection. Before shoving me back into the bushes and spinning around.

"Evan, whats going on here," a man said. He was older than her, probably a commanding officer.

"Circi smelled something so I came to check it out, some scouts from last night left some gear. I quickly unstrapped a bit of my gear and slid it across the ground so that the commanding officer would see and approve.

"Careful, that looks like a Majors gear, don't want you running into him again now do we," the commanding officer laughed.

"Yes sir," Evangeline smiled.

"Alright," the officer said. And with that he walked away and I peeked my head out, collecting my gear and strapping it back on.

"That was close," Grant said from over my shoulder. I jumped forward about five feet before Evangeline kicked me back into the bushes.

"Not now, tomorrow, noon, meet you at the river," Evangeline smiled.

"Yes ma'am," I smiled. And with that me and Grant scrambled off into the woods, leaving behind Evangeline and Circi.


"Jasper its your turn up to bat!" Edward yelled. Bella smiled at me, a smirk quirkiness across her face.

"I expect a detailed retelling of exactly what happened at the river the next day," she reprimanded.

"Yes ma'am," I smiled. And with that I ran off. I grabbed a bat and flipped it around in my hands, Evangeline still lingering on my mind. As she always was.

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