Chapter XV

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Chapter XV
°•. 🐎 .•°

"I got my ticket for the long way round.

"Of course Jasper, I, I can't try to live without you again," Evangeline said. I cheered silently before kissing her forehead. Then her cheek. Then I was just kissing her lips and she seemed quite happy about it.

"Oh wait till you see, Edward, he's amazing, the best brother ever, but he can read minds and Emmett's a bit of a douche but Rosalie likes him so we deal," I started ranting. "Oh, sorry," I said, scratching the back of my neck. Evangeline just laughed and kissed me before plucking Sarah away from Sam and kneeling to smile at her.

"So Sarah, what do you say, you want to move to Forks Washington," Evangeline asked.

"Mhm, as long as Anthony wants to," Sarah said.

"I'm down," Anthony said, his nose in a book.

"So Annie, you get yourself a girlfriend?" I asked teasingly.

"Well, no," Anthony laughed.

"Well, there's tons of available people in Forks," Alice giggled. Anthony just stared at her like she had just insulted his ancient ancestors that he praised daily. He then shook of the face and turned to my, hiding his face in my chest.

"I missed you Jasper," He mumbled.

"Missed you too Annie," I smiled.

"So!" Rosalie said. "Who's up for a two day long car ride to Forks!" Rosalie cheered.

"Roadtrip!" Sarah yelled.


Two days. Two days it took to get back to Forks. Two days of bickering, questions, and candy thieves.

The first morning was okay, that is, until Sam got into a fight with Rosalie. They each thought that they were the best Javengeline shipper. Whatever that was. Then, when the sun was getting low, all Rosalie would do was ask Evangeline questions about our relationship, her life before the army, everything. I'm pretty sure by sun rise they could have known each other their whole lives.

Then, Anthony and Alice started fighting about every topic they seemed to think of. One minute it was Vampires vs Shifters next it was which way the toilet paper should go.

"You smell repulsive!" Anthony said.

"At least I don't smell like a litter box that hasn't been clean since the cretaceous period!" Alice replied.

"Oh so then it would have been since you were alive you old hag!" Anthony spat.

"I'm young than you, ya preverted old man!" Alice yelled back.

"At least I don't look like some freak show straight out a mental facility!" Anthony said.

"Well at least my voice doesn't sound like cat's being dragged down a chalkboard," Alice replied.

"Your right, it's sounds more like a constipated duck being sat on by an elephant!" Anthony replied.

And then. Then the screaming started. Anthony stole a piece of Bella's candy. Bella's screaming could be heard from Asia with how loud she was. After having her over a lot I had learned that whatever you do, don't touch the cowtails. And now, Anthony had not alone touched, but eaten a cowtail.

"I sweat on Zeus's beard you little rat I will skin you with a cheese grater, tie your intestines to a tree, and watch you walk around it as I chase you with a spoon to rip out your eyeballs!" Bella screeched.

"I-I'm sorry!" Anthony stuttered.

"No your not sorry, I will tie you to a post, cover your face in honey, and watch the sandpaper of goats tongues slowly rip away your flesh!" Bella yelled.

"I'll buy you more," Anthony begged.

"No you poor son of a bitch you won't, you'll be too busy in surgery," Bella growled.

"S-Surgery?" Anthony shivered.

"The surgery where I put a cage of rats in your stomach and watch you scream as they slowly but surely eat there way out of you," Bella said lowly. Anthony squeaked and he threw Bella a three musketeers bar. Bella shut up after that.

And then there was Sarah.

"Are we there yet?"

"I'm bored,"

"I have nothing to dooooo!"

"When are we gonna get there?"

"Why is Bella screaming?"

"Are we gonna be there soon?"

"I'm boooooreddddddd!"

"You tell me your bored one more time and I will throw you out of this car!" I finally snapped.

"Fine," Sarah said snarkily.

"Finally!" I said loudly.

"Jasper," she said.

"Yes," I seethed.

"Jasper I'm Thaasophobic and I'm scared," Sarah said with an innocent smile.

"Ugh!" I yelled loudly.

"Wanna play twenty questions?" Alice asked.

"Yay!" Sarah said loudly.

"Okay, uhm, Jasper you go first," Rosalie said.

"Okay," I sighed, calming down.


"Naked Mole Rat!" Alice yelled.

"Yes!" Evangeline laughed loudly. We had been playing twenty questions for three hours and we were almost to the house.

"Ooh ooh my turn!" Sarah said.

"Dolphin," we all said at the same time.

"Whoa, can you read minds?" She asked. She had been a Dolphin every single time it was her turn. I pulled into the driveway and Anthony mumbled in his sleep, clutching a small stuffed cat Evangeline had handed to him into his chest.

"We're here," I sighed.

"Cheese curds!" Bella yelled in her sleep. Anthony screamed in his sleep and Sam shook him awake.

"She, she," Anthony cried before tears fell down his face.

"It's alright Annie, it was just a dream," Sam said.

"We're home," I announced to the car. Everyone clambered out and walked towards the door, out legs sore and butts and backs aching. I oressed the doorbell and me and the small band of misfit children stood, waiting to be let in.

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