Chapter XXI

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The Ceremony

I held Evangeline's hand under the table, and our eyes were glued together as we waited.

It was an hour before everyone arrived and it began, the humans filling the space making my mouth froth with venom, before I quickly controlled myself.

Sam sat next to me to keep me at bay as well, as he had managed to have a greater understanding of my lack of control than most of my family.

I smiled at Evangeline as the music began to play, their story seeming to come to an end, while I knew, in my heat, that this was just the beginning.

Renee sat two seats away from me, but kept giving me meaningful glance as I tried to hold back the tears in my eyes at everyone's emotions.

"Jasper, when is Bella coming?" Evangeline asked quietly.

"I don't know," I said, smiling. "I've never been to a wedding before," I laughed quietly. She smiled largely, so big her cheeks turned pink as she tried to hold in laughter.

We both attempted to cloak our laughing as the ceremony prepared to finally commence, and it must have taken around five minutes for us to calm down.

The laughing fully ceased when we saw Bella, descending the stairs of the Cullen house, wrapped in white with her hair tied up beautifully.

I smiled at her as she walked past, feeling every bit of her anxiety and love deep within me. I looked over at Edward, feeling his deep desire and romance, before I smiled at Evangeline, and pulled our holding hands onto my lap.

The words of the Carlisle seemed to draw on eternally as they took their vows, everyone waiting for the final 'I do'.

I looked over and Sam and saw him sniffling, and I felt the jealousy and longing. I smiled at him and rubbed his shoulder, projecting joy to him.

"One day Sam, one day," I whispered.

He smiled at me, and I smiled back, before returning my gaze to Bella and Edward. I threw happy to Renee when I saw she had begun sobbing, and though she didn't know it was me she looked up, and saw my smile and thumbs up.

She laughed at me briefly, before averting her gaze and looking back up at the ceremony, a smile now.

I smiled to myself, finally of use. I could finally use my monsterous powers to help people. I should go to Weddings more often.

I felt Evangeline's hand on mine, and I intertwined our fingers I leaned over and kissed her cheek, before she smiled and rested her head on my shoulder.

As the vows began I started to imagine, what could I ever say to Evangeline if this were us. She meant to much to explain, and I could never fully describe how much she meant to me.

Perhaps I could start with an 'I love you beyond words', as it were true, but it seemed to bland and dull for my darling, over used.

Perhaps an 'I could never describe how much you meant to me' would be more in order, if I were ever to bring myself to one knee. Could I ever trust myself enough to propose, I did not know if I could do it.

As her eyes twinkled beside me, a darling violet, I felt my heart thrumming with her joy and my lips craving hers, the need to be by her and with her overwhelming.

I needed her to stay with me, forever, I couldn't lose her again, not because of my own stupidity.

She smiled at me and I smiled back, the ceremony was white noise now as I looked to her. She was the only important thing to me, the only thing that mattered. I didn't care about Maria or anything else in my life. Only her.

Her eyes were in mine, purple and gold as I pulled her closer to me gently. She offered me her smile, and I offered her the same as I held her into me gently. I would never let her go again.


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