Chapter IX

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Chapter IX
°•. 🐎 .•°

"Keep dreaming like we'll live forever, but live it like it's now or never,"

(Tw racial slurs implied)

I choked down a sob as Alice stood in front of me. My hands swept through my hair and pushed it back over my head. Flowers were held in my sweaty grip and I gulped.

"Jasper, come on don't cry on me," Rosalie said. It was too late. Tears streaked down my cheeks as we walked into the graveyard. The names called out to me, each with a story, but I was looking for a special three.

'Evangeline Harrison' one read. I left a rose upon the ground and Rosalie wiped away a couple of my tears.

'Jasper Whitlock' the next said. Alice let out a dramatic fake wail and placed a flower upon my grave. I snapped out of my own head long enough to release a laugh before the worst grave met my veiw.

'Josephine Whitlock' it read. I placed a sunflower on her grave and my legs collapsed from underneath me.

"Jasper, Jasper cheer yourself up," Alice said.

"What happened when Evangeline met Josephine?" Rosalie asked.


I tapped my foot impatiently down on the muddy ground. Evangeline stumbled out of the brush, dressed in a plaid shirt of mine and some boot cut jeans I stole from one of the smaller men. She had her hair tied up in her head with pins and I shoved cowboy hat down on her. Then I tossed her some boots and she pulled those up.

"Jeesh, what you wear is much more comfy then what we wear," Evangeline laughed.

"Yeah I know, I've slid myself into your uniforms enough time to get that," I rolled my eyes. Her hat fell over her eyes and I lifted it up and placed a little kiss on her lips before grabbing her hand and leading her to the edge of the forest.

"You ready for this?" I asked.

"Of course how bad could it-" Ever started.

"And I swear to God them (slurs) best be sweatin' bullets tonight 'cause we're gonna get 'em!" A voice yelled. Evangeline cringed and I scratched the back of my neck while blushing.

"Look Evangeline, y-your about to see a whole new man okay, and uh, things are different here, than they are with the unions, it, I'm not proud of who I have to be here," I said.

"I love you no matter what Jazz, plus, it'll be good for me to learn what your world is like," Evangeline said.

"Then let's go," I said nervously. I pushed her away before strutting into camp, the stirs on my boots clicking. People froze and saulted me as I walked passed and Evangeline walked nervously behind me. I puffed my chest out and saw a small boy smiling pridefully at me. "JOE!" I yelled loudly.

A wave of flinched spread through the crowd and Evangeline's jaw dropped.

"Yes sir!" Joseph squeaked.

"You are required in my camp in exactly five," I said sternly.

"Yes Major sir!" Evangeline said.

"Major Whitlock sir," an older soldier said nervously.

"Yes," I barked.

"More slaves are slipping from our grasp, the Union's numbers are growing, soon enough we won't have the power to defeat them," Bill chuckled nervously.

"Then get us the power," I growled. "Hell, start up more enlisting posts, bring in some troops from the west!" I said. I slicked at my words and Evangeline brushed her hands against my arms. She couldn't love me this way, a nasty demanding Confederate. Things had to change.

"Yes sir!" Everyone yelled. I walked into my tent and sat down on my cot, Evangeline sitting next to me.

"Jasper," she whispered lightly. I hid my face from her, letting my long blonde locks fall in front of my face. Evangeline slid behind me and grabbed my hair.

"I'm an awful person," I said. Evangeline just clucked her tongue and started braiding together little locks of my hair.

"I still love you," she said. She yanked the hair out of my face started tying it back in a little ponytail. When she was down she squeaked and stood up in front of me.

"Adorable!" She squealed. Suddenly a small boy pushed through the flaps of my tent, his hat drooping over his eyes and hair falling in his face.

"Josie how many times do I have to tell you to let your pretty face show," I laughed. I picked off her hat and sat back down on my cot. She came over and sat on the ground beside me, leaning her head into my lap.

"Am I in trouble?" Josie asked.

"No, I wanted you to meet someone, her name's Evangeline, she's very important to me," I smiled.

"She messed up your hair," Josie pointed out.

"I dunno I like it," I smiled.

"Where is she?" Josie asked. I looked up to see Evangeline hiding nervously in a corner.

"Oh come out you big baby," I laughed. I stood up, Josie falling over and grabbed Evangeline by her waist. She squealed laughter as I set her down in front of Josie.

"Do you like slavery?" Josie asked unabashedly.

"Uh," Evangeline shot me a look.

"Evangeline is the major of the Union army," I bragged. "Shh," I teased Josie with a look and she stuck her tongue out before mocking me.

"Shh," she said in a fake deep voice.

"So Josie, what do you think about your life so far," Evangeline asked.

"I think that everyone needs to forget there problems and live like they don't exist, everyone lives to die, but that doesn't mean we can't live a life that will allow our story to be told in the future. Our hearts and souls live on through those who knew us, so I think we should let that memory be a happy one," Josie said.

"Very wise for a little girl," Evangeline laughed.

"You learn to be wise through war," Josie said.

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