Chapter XII

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Chapter XII
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Peace Or War

"Peace or war its up to you"

Jasper's PoV

"What happened next?" Bella asked excitedly.

"I, I don't want to talk about it," I said. Alice said I had been extra grumpy lately, and only me and Edward knew why. It was because the next part of the story wasn't exactly a pretty tale.

"Come on please," Rosalie begged.

"Guys, don't-" Edward tried to say.

"The graduation is in a few hours," Esme tried to say.

"Jazzy please," Alice said. I cringed and tears lay beneath the surface of my eyes.

"A-Alright," I choked.


I sat, shoveling beans into my mouth. My sword was strapped at my side and Josie was sitting across the fire away from me. Gun shots echoed in the silent night and I looked up.

"Hit the floor," was all I managed to say. Suddenly bullets rained down upon us and screams filled the night. I picked up my gun and shot random, hearing an off and the impact of a body on earth.

Everyone else returned fire and I crawled across the ground, dodging the dead bodies of soldiers until I reached Josie. Josie was curled on the ground, crying on in pain. I saw blood soaking through her uniform in her leg.

"Shh, shh it's alright," I said. I heard an explosion and metal flew around us, cutting into my face and sides. A grenade rolled across the ground next to me and I kicked it away right before it detonated, causing me and Josie along with a bunch of other soldiers to fly across the ground, falling at the feet of union soldiers. I grabbed Josie in fear and rolled away as one shot at me. I grabbed a large metal door lik thing and held it up in front of us as I helped Josie to her feet. I heard bullets pinging against it and Josie screamed in agony.

We started limping towards the trees as soldier after soldier fell in front of us. I watched Bill collapse as a bullet impacted with his forehead and blood spewed over my face.

"Where's the major! Get the major!" A commanding voice said.

"No!" I heard a voice scream in protest, but their cries were silenced by bullets and the screams of the dying soldiers. I led Josie through the carnage, trying to keep low and get to the woods. That was when someone grabbed my shield threw it away. I saw Jeremy, one of my union friends with the barrel of his gun pressed to my head. The first thing he was was Josie, the sight at which he cringed at, then he saw my dusty bloody face.

"Grant," he said.

"It's Jasper," was all I managed to say. Jeremy could only nod before he turned and looked me in the eye.

"Run," he said. I nodded before grabbing Josie's wrist and running towards the woods. I had to drag Josie when suddenly the scream of a women caught my ears. I turned to see Jeremy with a bullet through his brain, straight in the back and out the forehead, and Evangeline was being held by her hair by Terry.

"Evangeline!" I screamed. Everything seemed to freeze as my grip on Josie slacked and my feet took me through the minefield. The sound of bullets firing was lost to my ears as I saw Sam racing along behind me. Time sped again and Terry put his gun to Evangeline's temple.

"What do we have hear, a little girlie Major," Terry spat. My body collided with Terry's and he shot, the bullet piercing Evangeline's thigh. She winced and Sam picked her up like a baby. Terry shot me through the arm but I didn't care as I landed a strike on his chin and his blood spattered across my face. I wrenched the gun from Terry's fingers and he seemed to freeze while looking up at me right before the bullet met its mark in the center of his forehead. Blood spatter covered my face and I dropped the gun, my entire body locking down in shock.

"Jasper!" Sam called. I remained frozen as I stared at Terry's blood on my hands. It was everywhere. I killed one of my own. "Jasper we have to go!" Sam yelled. He grabbed me arm and yanked me up away from Terry's body. The three of us, Sam holding Evangeline, ran as fast as we could to the treeline where I left Josie. When we got there I turned around to see Josie helping a young wounded boy limp to the treeline. A singular gun shot echoed and I watched Josie collapse. The boy she had been helping continued crawling towards us, blood staining his young face. I knew him as Anthony, a young boy forced to fight by his parents.

"Josie!" I screamed. I dove for her body, hands grabbing her face. She stared up at the sky, lips parted and eyes wide and glazed over. "No no no," I said. I picked her head up and got her into a sitting position. "You can't die, you can't go on me," I said, tears quaking my voice. I dropped her head and hugged her frozen body, the heat quickly leaving it as I cuddled her into me.

"Jasper!" Evangeline screamed. But her voice was shoved to the back of my head as Josie's body became my soul focus.

"Your not alive, I have to take you home," I said. "I promised to dad that he could walk you down the isle, and, and I still need to be overprotective when you get your first suitor, and I haven't even gotten the chance to teach you how to dance. So you can't die," I sobbed. Hands grabbed my shoulder and yanked me away from Josie. "No!" I yelled. "Don't take her, don't take her away from me," I sobbed.


"You happy I told you," I spat. My eyes found my hands, imagining the blood on the, the dirt and grime under my fingernails.

"Jasper," Alice said.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled. "I don't want- I don't want to see anyone, I just want to get my diploma and then have you people off my back," I said. I know I didn't mean it. I know the spite behind my words was the pain from before, the agony of loosing all of them. Alice looked at me, her eyes seeming to fill with anger for a moment before she saw the hurt in my own. I spun on my heel.

When my back was too my family was when the tears spilled. I tried to stay quiet but Rosalie must have heard my muffled sob as she stepped in front of me and grabbed my face in her hands. She pulled my into a hug, my tears shaking through my body.

"She's gone, all of them are gone and they're never coming back," I said through the tears.

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