Chapter IV

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Chapter IV
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"What happened at the river?" Alice asked. Bella sat up in the hospital bed and Rosalie leaned forward.

"Not much," I smirked.

"Oh come on, there were so many details before," Rosalie moaned.

"Why are you so interested in my romantic life," I asked.

"Because, well, whenever you talk about her, you seem so happy, I just like to see you smile," Alice said.

"Stop being so sappy!" I exclaimed.

"So, the river," Bella smirked.

"Okay, here goes nothing," I smiled.


Ajax bounced beneath me, his legs rising and falling over the harsh terrain. Blood seemed to soak the ground as I walked. What had happened. I saw two downed soldiers, bullet holes filling their bodies.

"Charlie? Chester!" I exclaimed. I jumped down from my horse, feet sloshing in the muddy blood stained ground. I heard the yelling of union soldiers and heard a girl screaming.

"Evan!" A Union males voice yelled.

"I'm fine but, but, its Sam, he just killed them," Evangeline yelled. I met her gaze as she spun around and ducked behind a tree.

"What happened, why were you going to the Confederate camp!" A deep voice yelled. My breathing hitched and my body shuttered. This was it, they were going to find out.

"Guard duty, I was going to see how many they had on guard duty!" Evangeline yelled. Her voice sounded panicked, scared. I dodged them and peeked around the tree. A male with darkened skin held Evangeline by the throat, her body pressed against a tree.

"Sam, put her down," an authorive voice yelled.

"President Lincoln!" Sam exclaimed. Evangeline slumped to the ground, her breaths heaving. They all dropped to their knees in a bow and my mouth fell open. I saw the Presidents eyes meet mine then flick to Evangeline, who was also watching me as I slid back behind the tree. Why hadn't he alerted them, why wasn't I dead.

"Rise soldiers," President Lincoln said.

"Sir, I can explain," Evangeline started.

"No need, I understand completely, you are not in the wrong here. Sam, I expected you to treat the, well, man who saved you with respect," President Lincoln said. He seemed to smirk as he said man. It was true, a few close up looks at Evangeline and you could tell she was no man. She could pass for a young boy, but never a man.

"Sir, he was heading to the Confederate camp, he was consorting with the enemy," Sam explained.

"Did you ever stop to ponder the meaning of enemy. Though someone fights on the opposite side does not label them as evil, or as the enemy. And who is to prove that Evan was going to consort with the enemy. Do you have proof," President Lincoln said.

"Well no," Sam said.

"Then I suspect you may have shot innocent men and threatened your Major, for which I must advise you not to do again," President Lincoln advised.

"Yes sir," they all said.

"Now leave my sights," President Lincoln said. I heard scrambling feet and caught the sound of a hand grasping a uniform. "Not you," he said. "Now, I would expect that you came here to see that man so illy hiding behind that tree. Who is he," Lincoln asked.

"My name is Major Jasper Whitlock sir, my apologies," I said. I stepped out from behind the tree and fell to my knee in a respectful bow.

"A true Confederate would have shot Sam and Evan here on sight, for which side do you side with Major," Lincoln asked.

"I ponder my loyalties daily, and remain without an answer. I know the side for which I fight is wrong, and that we will loose, but have never had the strength to act," I said.

"Then you are wiser than I would have thought," Lincoln said. "Now, for the sheep in a wolfs hide, Evan, or is that just what they call you," Lincoln asked.

"Sir I-" she started.

"Do not fret, I know the fate of the soldiers rested in your capable hands, but instead I ask you two this, is what you have worth the risk?" He asked.

"Yes," I said.

"For a man who does not know the side in which he fights you seem confident," Lincoln smirked.

"I know that love is the true thing everyone fights for, so why defy my family by separating from my troops when I can still remain with my love either way. If I had so chosen I could have switched sides, but then how would my Evangeline see me, as a warrior who fought for love, or as a coward who was handed it," I said.

"A wise man indeed, you show loyalty, and strength, a true shame it remains that you fight for the side we so wish to destroy," Lincoln sighed. "Very well, you two must remain secretive, and Jasper, you said, stay true to your heart," Lincoln said. And with that he turned and walked back to the union camp. Evangeline stood, a hand reaching out for me. I reached across the river and took it, feeling her gloved hand in mine. She then took her hand away and raced after the other soldiers.  I picked up the bodies of my fallen, blessing them as heros before placing them on Ajax's back and racing off back to camp, the words of Abraham Lincoln still coursing through my mind.


"You met Abraham Lincoln!" Bella yelled.

"Shh!" I said.

"Seriously!" She whispered.

"Yes, and that was not the only time we spoke, now rest, you are still broken," I laughed.

"Whoa," Rosalie breathed.

"What is it people say now, whatever," I shrugged.

"Yeah," Alice laughed. Bella then fell to a hushed silence as she drifted asleep, her quiet breathing reminded me of the nights I spent laying with Evangeline under the stars. But that was a story for another time.

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