Chapter XI

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Chapter XI
°•. 🐎 .•°
He's Alive

"Who will tell the story of your life"

Unknown PoV

I walked out to the mailbox, Sarah skipping happily behind me. I opened it up and pulled out a single letter along with some bills. I walked inside Sarah ammediately grabbing the letter and looking at it excitedly.

"Aw, it's just for you," she said sadly.

"For me?" I said incredulously. I grabbed the letter and read the outside, my jaw dropping.

'Evan Harrison Major of the Union Army' it read. I ran to the living room and grabbed Sam's elbow. He sat down with me and Anthony followed our lead, sitting on the arm rest of the couch. Sarah jumped on to Sam's shoulders and I slid open the letter.

'Dearest Major Harrison,

It is my pleasure to inform you that you have been invited to a meeting at the Civil War monument in Houston Texas. There is a guest there that is going to be very shocked by your arrival and will be quite pleased to see you. The name he now goes by is Jasper Hale. I would like to request that you dress for the occasion in semi formal attire or if by your choice your old uniform. The date is August 10th, please do attend your presence will be greatly appreciated.

Deepest Regards,
Rosalie Hale
(his adopted sister don't freak out)'

I read aloud. Sam looked over at me before removing Sarah from his shoulders and standing up.

"He's alive," Sam said. "My brother is alive," Sam said, his voice cracking. Sam broke down, sobs heaving through him and I released a cry.

"Eve, Eve whats wrong?" Sarah asked. She hugged me close and I heaved sobs in her poofy black hair.

"What kind of sick joke is this," I wailed. Suddenly a bird flutter into the room, a note tied around its leg. I grabbed it and quite a few drawings and Polaroids fell to the floor before I read the note aloud.

'Dear Evangeline,

Rosalie is a bit of a nondescript jerk. We are surprising Jasper with you showing up just before our brother Edward's wedding. If your still alive, which I am pretty positive you are, we would be really happy if you showed. The drawings that are now all over the floor  are ones Jasper drew when telling us the story of what happened between you two. He hasn't finished the story yet but I know he soon will. He assumes you dead and has grieved you ever since he joined our new family. I will admit I spent a short time trying to woo him, as he is a wonderful man, but he rejected me, his heart still belongs to you. He was turned into a vampire shortly after you last saw him from what I gathered. I hope to see you and Sam at the monument, by the way my names Alice and I see the future.

The Cullen And Hale Coven'

"Is Jasper really still alive Eve," Sam choked.

"Yes, yes I think he is," I said. I picked up the Polaroids and the drawings.

The first Polaroid was a picture of a blonde hiding his face. His hair was in a ponytail and his pale hands were up in front of his eyes and face. The next picture was of a man hiding his face in his hands, tears glistening in the light as he stood in front of three gaves. Our graves. The next picture was of the same blonde man, back to the camera, staring at the picture in the Civil War monument of us on the fence. The last picture was the one that made the tears come. It was Jasper. My Jasper. He was in what appeared to be a baseball uniform and had a bat slung over his shoulder. He was laughing with a blonde haired girl that was leaning all over his shoulder. Her name was written in black sharpie across the bottom. 'Jasper and Rosalie, Baseball with Bella'.

"It's him, he's alive," I said, voice cracking and tears falling.

"Now we wait for a few months, now is when we wait to see Jasper Grant Whitlock," Sam said.

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