Chapter V

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Chapter V
°•. 🐎 .•°
Not Supposed To Be There

"Jasper, tell me more," Bella begged. "It would be the best birthday present ever," she pouted.

"No," I said.

"Please," Rosalie chimed in.

"But the next bit us so embarrassing," I said. If I were human my cheeks would have flared.

"What, your not a virgin," Edward said, pretending to look shocked.

"I did not have sex with her if thats what your implying," I said. "Dastardly," I rolled my eyes. "But by standards then it was practically what premarital sex is now," I shuttered.

"What, you hold her hand," Emmett teased.

"If I tell you will you guys stop bugging me," I asked.

"Yeah, I think thats the deal," Bella smirked.


I slipped into a stolen union unform, adjusting it over myself before leaving my small camp in the bushes. I saw many mens eyes meet mine and nod with respect.

"Jasper," a soldier hissed. I would truly never get used to my beautiful Evangeline hiding into the shadows of the male soldiers.

"Evangeline," I whispered back.

"Its Evan here, pretend to be a new recruit!" Evangeline hissed.

"So soldier, what brought you to recruit this fine evening," Evan said.

"I finally came of age and wanted to defend my country," I replied.

"Good answer soldier," Evan smirked. We were catching a few glances.

"Yes sir," I said.

"Well, if you would like to accompany me to my tent I will show you the ropes," Evangeline said. She grabbed my arm and dragged me into a large tent before pushing me against a large beam.

"Well hello to you too," I smirked.

"What are you doing! They'll kill you!" Evangeline hissed.

"Well, I have finally gathered enough courage to-" I started.

"What, commit suicide!" Evangeline growled.

"Well no-" I started.

" 'Cause that's what you doing right now!" She hissed.

"Just stop a minute-" I started.

"I will not stop a minute Jasper Grant Whitlock! You are going to get skinned alive!" Evangeline hissed.

I was so desperate for her attention I did the unthinkable. I leaned forward and pressed my bare lips to hers. All the meaningless touches forgotten she pressed herself against me, her army hat grinding into my forehead. My tongue swept her bottom lip and she opened her mouth enough to allow me to explore. All I could smell was pine trees and maple, all else forgotten. All I could see was her eyes, the memories of them boring into mine.

When she pulled away my entire earth had spun 360°.

"Wow," I said. My fingers reached up and traced my lips in wonder. Evangeline seemed at a loss for words before a soldier came in and saluted her. She quickly fixed her cap and stopped restraining me against the wall.


"Hold on, you made that seem a lot more smutty before," Bella said.

"What?" I said.

"You were all like, it was practically just as bad, a kiss, is not as bad as sex," Bella reprimanded.

"Yeah it-" I started.

"No its really not," Rosalie said.

"Lots of kids now a days are getting there first kiss when they're like, three," Emmett cut in.

"But thats so nasty!" I exclaimed.

"No its not, its normal," Edward shrugged. I made a sound of disgust before finding myself thoughtfully tracing my lips.

"Just let him get back to the story," Alice moaned.

"Oh right, yeah," I laughed.


"Sam," Evan said. The name filled .e with hatred as I remembered how she screamed. How he killed them. I controlled my facial features before Sam smiled at her.

"Quess what!" He asked.

"What?" Evan said, playfulness filling her tone.

"We just freed a whole 'nother slave camp!" Sam yelled.

"Yes!" Evan screeched. She jumped into my arms and I awkward stood there, not wanting to show affection in front of Sam.

"Who's he," Sam snarled. Evan stopped laughing and let go of me, looking at the hurt on her face made me answer for myself.

"Grant Hale at your service," I said.

"New recruit?" Sam asked. "Or special someone sneaking into camp," Sam said with a twinkle in his eye. I could tell I had verbally gulped as Sam burst into laughter. Evan hid her face in her hands and glared up at him.

"Really Sam," she said. He just smirked and whacked my shoulder harshly.

"You watch out, she's one special gal," Sam said. I had gained a new sort of respect for Sam. Basing on his- well, skin, he was a freed slave, he just wanted to protect others from what happened to him.

"Oh trust me, I know," I smirked.

"I tell ya what, why don't ya stay till after camp fire, then you can return to Evan's tent," he gave a suggestive wink "And return on horseback tomorrow," Sam smiled.

"Oh I don't want to be a hassle to you hard working soldiers," I said. Really I told Grant I would be back by tomorrow, and I didn't want to be late.

"Oh please, anything to make Evangeline happy," Sam smiled.

"Alright," I sighed.

"Yeah!" Sam cheered. "But I do have one question for you, why aren't you in the army instead of 'er," Sam asked.

"My family used to own slaves, I was told by them to join the Confederates, but I ran away and freed our slaves, taking them with me out of Confederate states. I met Evangeline here, already part of the army. When I told her what happened she said I would be to easy to recognize in the ranks and that if I was a fugitive they would hunt me down. I stay out of the fighting so they don't use me as a bargaining chip. Instead I work in a couple hospitals for freed slaves near the border," I explained.

"Makes sense, wouldn't want you to get hurt and mess up our Evan's head now would we," Sam smirked.

"No sir," I smiled.


"There, now I'll tell you the rest after the party!" I exclaimed. I would have been bright red if I could.

"You better," Bella scolded.

Little did I know I would never keep my promise.

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