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When night fell that day, everyone went off to bed quickly. We were all exhausted from our road trips. I was happy that I got to share my room with zen. Obi and Shirayuki shared but izona and Annalise didn't. She'd probably freak out anyway. Though I did wonder if they ended up talking all night. Zen and I did that a few times. This feels unreal to me now. How we're finally able to be this close.

I stayed next to zen all night. It didn't really feel weird or bad we shared a bed. It was normal to me, more normal then going to different rooms. As I lay here next to zen, my mind often travels back to our worries. Before I announced my title I was scared we couldn't take things slow. It felt like we were rushing and I was so scared of that. But time kept going for so long. We've done so much together, now all I can really think about is the future. How our home might look. Where we'd live. How we'd live.. When we would have a family.. ill be an aunt in less than a month. Shirayuki is due within the next week.. I guess they already planned to have the baby here. I hope I'll be able to stay for that. I can't believe I'll be an aunt..

Zen held me tightly all night. In the morning we got ready for the wedding. They had it at the top of the mountain. It was decorated in flowers and the trees around the forest. It was more than I had ever imagined in my life. This was never something I saw coming. Just over a year ago, I'd say you were out of your mind obi would be with me and he would even be getting married. Now he's here with a wife and soon a baby.. I stayed crying happy tears at the end of the ceremony. When things were done and they had kissed, we all got up. Dad and I went right to obi.

"I never thought I'd see the day you two grew up.." Dad spoke softly as we all came together for a hug.

"I didn't think I'd see you guys ever again.." Obi muttered and was quietly trying to hold back tears.

"I didn't think id make it this far.. Now here you guys are.. You're married and having a baby, obi.. Id thought surely Dominic would end us too.." I muttered and couldn't help my crying.

"You two are far too strong for that bastard.. Im proud of you. The both of you." Dad told us and put his hands on our shoulders.

"Will you change your name to Moon now?" I asked obi with a soft laugh.

"Its been Moon all my life, y/n" he chuckled before pulling me in for a hug.

"How could I forget?.." I hummed happily and held him tight.

"Our family will live on. I expect great things from my grand baby, obi" dad told obi proudly.

"Yes sir." Obi nodded and looked like he was going to cry again.

"And Y/n, you can't change your name to zens. It's written in our rules." Dad told me firmly which made me start laughing.

"What? We have rules?" I laughed as I wiped my eyes.

"We can't lose anymore Wood's, we're only down to 4" dad shrugged. Shirayuki is family now too. Gosh, this is crazy..

After all the tears were done, we got to have lunch. Everyone said short speeches about the bride and groom and we got this really yummy cake. Then finally we began dancing. It lasted all night. The villagers made a big feast and celebrated with us all.

Dad got totally wasted. Izona drank but he seemed alright. Annalise was blacked out drunk at the table. I was sober but zen had a little something. It had been a long day and I was tired so I headed back to our room first. I put on my night gown and got into bed. I fell asleep fast and didn't wake up till morning where I found zen shirtless next to me. He mustve drank more because i can smell the alcohol on him..

I was going to get up but he pulled me back against him so I couldn't move. He nuzzled his head on the back of my neck and held me tight. I got stuck here for the next hour and a half but I didn't mind.

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