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The first step for me to heal, marrying the man who truly set me free and showed me exactly what it meant to be loved by another.

I felt better after Zen talked with me. I'm still scared. I still have a horrible feeling everything could be ruined and people will be hurt. Even though I'm scared, I have to push through. For a while, I've been expecting the worst so that way when the worst comes, I'm a little more prepared for it. I can't keep doing that though. I won't always be safe but at the very least, I will have normal days. I will have my wedding day whether things are perfect or not. Perfect to me meant no fights or battles or any murders. Nothing but laughter and joy and love.

As we pulled up to the entrance of the forest, my nerves grew. These nerves weren't for possible battles though, it was for the actual wedding. I'm just nervous I'll say something funny or act up. I'm also a little nervous someone in the crowd will object even though it won't happen.. I think..

Obi helped me out of the carriage and onto the horse dad used to be riding in.
"Ill see you soon, princess" obi bowed to me. He wasn't playing or messing with me. He looked so happy, smiling and chucked.

"Thanks, Obi.." I nodded and smiled back.

"Anything for my little sis" he hummed proudly before running off into the forest.

"Ready?" Dad asked as he began to lead me and my horse into the forest.

"I am, I just can't shake the bad feeling.." I muttered and lowered my head. I thought back to everything zen told me. He'll be there with me every step of the way.. I took a deep breath in and let it out with a sigh and smile. "I know it's in my head though. Even if the bad comes, we'll be okay." I assured myself even as I listened to my scratchy voice speak.

"Thanks my girl" dad hummed to himself and seemed so proud of me.

I've finally made it to my happily ever after. I wonder what my future will hold now, hopefully a future full of love.

I could faintly hear the music as we went and listened to it get louded and louder. Finally, I could see the crowd. It was the most beautiful sight id ever seen and zen standing in the center of it all. I remember confessing my love to him at this very spot and now we're getting married here too. Just the thought of it made me want to cry.
Once I reached the nice white carpet, dad helped me down from my horse. Obi came back to me holding a magnificent bouquet of flowers and handed them of to me. The nerves suddenly made me chest pound, I couldn't let obi go yet. I took his hand, begging him with my eyes to stay and walk with me and dad. He seemed worried at first but agreed anyway. That smile of his nearly brought me to tears. Dad and obi held their arms out of me to take so I did and kept hold of my flowers. With them, I confidently made my way down the isle to where zen stood waiting patiently for me. I wish someone painted this scene for me, I never want to forget it.
Towards the end of my long walk through the isle, obi and dad let me go on my own. I waited a moment till they were settled till I looked back to zen and walked the last few steps on my own.

"Y/n.." Zens gentle voice calmed my beating heart some as he held his hand out to me which I greatfully took. He lead me to his side where we stood in front of the priest. The words blurred at times but I had the big picture. I understood the promises I'd make to zen with this marriage. Hell, I would've bound my very body and soul to him with this ring if I had to..

I made a promise here today in front of everyone I cared for and everyone zen cared for, to cherish and take care of zen to the best of my abilities. Dispite my disabilities, I would do everything in my power to keep his body and mind sound for as long as I lived. Zen did just as I, he made the same promise to me.

"I do."

I spoke those two words with teary eyes.

Then finally, we got to kiss and seal our fates together for all of eternity. Zen could hardly hold himself together when we finally kissed. He barely held in his tears when the kiss ended.

Teach Me How To Live    -~Zen Wistaria x Reader~-Where stories live. Discover now